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Videos Available at the SFP office

Writer: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

Several videos which have been used in showings organized for public viewing are kept in the SfP office. These may be borrowed by members; the only requirement is that you sign them out and return them within a reasonable time. The office is open on Tuesdays and Fridays 11-3.

The Truth and Lies of 9/11. Documentary by Michael Ruppert, former LAPD narcotics investigator: looks at the intertwining of American financial interests with foreign banks and Saudi Arabia before 9/11. (2 hours and 18 minutes)

What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: The War Against the Third World by Frank Dorrell. A selection of long clips from earlier documentaries about the U.S. attacks on Panama, Grenada, Cuba and Guatemala, plus a look at the SOA and more. The introduction contains a moving address by Martin Luther King, Jr. (2 hours)

Iraq Then and Now: The Unheard Voices of Iraqi Women. A personal account of a trip back to Iraq by a Montreal woman to see her family during the era of the sanctions. By Amira Elias. (50 minutes)

Arsenal of Hypocrisy: The Space Program and the Military Industrial Complex. Hosted by Bruce Gagnon of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space. (60 minutes)

A Space for Peace. Also by the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space. More on the dangers of the Missile Defence Project of the U.S. (50 Minutes)

The Great Deception: The War on Terrorism. An Alternative View. Seven illustrated commentaries by VisionTV INSIGHT media critic, Barrie Zwicker. He confronts the official story of what happened on 9-11. (One hour)

Plan Colombia, Cashing-in on the Drug War Failure. Narrated by Ed Asner. (58 minutes)

Hidden Wars of Desert Storm. A behind-the-scenes look at the 1991 Gulf War. (60 minutes)

Painful Deceptions: How did Osama Pull Off Such a Devastating Attack? An analysis of the Sept. 11th attack. Produced by Eric Hufschmid. (2 hours)

Asking Tough Questions. A panel discussion about Sept. 11 with Phyllis Creighton, Michael Ruppert, Peter Desbarats and Ron Atkey. (One hour)9

Cover-up or Complicity. Produced by Jeremy Wright. Lots of good information and opinion but rather cut-up. Features Barrie Zwicker and Michel Chossoudovsky. (60 minutes.)

The Great Conspiracy: The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw. An update of The Great Deception with scenes from Operation Northwoods, Incubator Babies and Gulf of Tonkin documentaries. We don’t have this one yet but you can get information about it from Barrie Zwicker at (416) 651-5588.

Also note that the Guelph chapter of Science for Peace has numerous videos available on-line at:

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