Switzerland, Dec. 1985
In spite of the promising handshake in Geneva between MM. Reagan and Gorbachev, it appears to most of us here that today’s world is in the throes of a runaway race. The question whether the US and Europe should or should not pursue efforts towards the achievement of what Pres. Reagan has called Star Wars is at present hotly debated.
It is quite clear that neither of the two super-powers can tolerate a situation of obvious military inferiority. But it is equally evident that all attempts by either side to establish a position of superiority can only accelerate the pace of the arms race. Are we condemned, therefore, to see an ever-increasing proportion of the world’s resources invested in the production of armaments at a time when mankind faces challenges to its survival, other than those of nuclear war, of an unprecedented scale?
Concerning Star Wars, an important point has so far been overlooked. Even in the most unlikely event of an effective SDI, the end result after A major exchange would consist of a junkyard of radioactive nuclear debris circling around the Earth in low orbits. This “hot” material would soon be dispersed over the entire surface of our globe. The use of nuclear methods to kill attacking missiles would, of course, only make matters worse.