Pixies in the basement Delving by day and night Burrowing new labyrinths Free from the bane of light. CIA – NSC – Alphabetic codes galore, Buzzing hives of acronyms Below the main street floor. Furtive gnomes in Zurich, Shadow fronts for Iran, Disclaim the veriest, tiniest clue Where their caching role began. Gremlins in Honduras, Riding contraband, Peeking at anti-aircraft puffs, Seeking a spot to land. Leprechauns in Eire, Elves guised as wizened old men, Fretting for an expatriate, Cobbling beyond their ken. Pixies, gremlins, lubricans, A capricious, cabalic crew, Flirting extravagant changes, Brewing an Irish stew.
— Murray Wilton