By Hani Kim & Chris Trendall
The Journal of Science for Peace (JSFP) is a new journal that is accepting articles for publication which are relevant to peace, political and social justice, and sustainable development. It aims to provide a forum for exchange of information that will be of interest to all who are concerned with the foregoing topics.
Each issue of JSFP will contain one or more pieces of comprehensive analysis on a topic chosen by the author. The journal will be published electronically on a schedule determined by the readiness of the article. Articles submitted for review should be in Adobe PDF, while final articles should include both PDF and either Latex, Microsoft Word, or plain text versions which will be published as HTML.
The review process should take 4-6 weeks, and the final manuscript will be published in both PDF and HTML versions on our website, ( while a print copy will be provided on request. Submissions should be emailed to, or diskettes may be mailed to Science for Peace, A306 University College, 15 King’s College Circle, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3H7
Science for Peace is an organization of natural scientists, engineers, social scientists, scholars in the humanities and lay people. It brings together professors, graduate students and first degree students who are concerned about peace, justice and forging an environmentally sustainable future. The mission of Science for Peace is to promote an understanding of factors affecting these areas by providing a forum for informed discussion, analysis, and debate.
For more information, please contact or visit