The NATO-Serbia war has already caused much dying and suffering and has created a very dangerous situation for the region and beyond.
Science for Peace urges:
That there be an immediate stop to the violence by all three parties to the war, Serbia, NATO and the KLA; the killing and maiming must end
That there be no naval blockade by any name; the escalation of the war must be stopped
That Canada, in the name of humanitarianism, open its doors wide to Albanian Kosovars and Serb dissidents and deserters
That Russia continue to play a key role in negotiations and in subsequent peacekeeping in Kosovo so as to lessen the risk of a new Cold War
That the UN lead and direct in both of the above; it remains our only hope for global peace and order
That Canada should cease all military participation in the war; what is presently being done is neither just nor productive
That NATO states provide infrastructure adequate for reconstruction and reconciliation.