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Science for Peace Meeting on Issues

Writer: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

A meeting to hear Reports from SIP working groups and to consider other issues was held on April 26, 1997. It was chaired by Patrick Boyer, Chair of the Pugwash Park Foundation and member of the Canadian Pugwash Group. Presentations were given on the following topics: Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change, Energy, Human Rights, Aboriginal Rights, Scientific Co-operation with Cuba, Genetic and Reproductive Issues, U.N. Reform, High Altitude Auroral Research Project, Unemployment and Technology Video Documentary, and Effectiveness of SIP in its Interactions with Government.

Following are some of the recommendations from the presenters and working groups:

Climate Change** (Adele Buckley): What can SIP offer toward the climate change programme?

  1. technological innovation;

  2. draw attention to:

  3. communication between different levels of government and

  4. development of a sustainable society.

Energy Working Group (EWG) (Helmut Burkhurdt) recommends:

  1. that the EWG undertake a broad study of Ontario’s energy options in the national and global context;

  2. that the EWG facilitate a consensus statement of the SIP EWG, or of SIP as a whole, on what it considers a socially, politically and environmentally feasible application of nuclear science and technology;

  3. that the SIP EWG, or SIP as a whole, develop a consensus statement of the local and global pro’s and con’s of burning plutonium in Canada’s nuclear reactors, and disseminate the results to the general public, industry and government;

  4. that the EWG look at the question of phasing out or extending the lifetime of aging nuclear reactors;

  5. that the EWG develop a clear position and make a recommendation to SIP on joining other NGOs in the legal action against the Canadian government on the issue of CANDU exports to China;

  6. that the EWG develop a campaign to promote environmentally friendly energy options including conservation, efficiency of energy systems, and application of renewable resources.

High Altitude Auroral Research Project (HAARP) (Rosalie Bertell) urges:

  1. that SIP and Pugwash get involved in this issue.

  2. that SIP co-sponsor an international conference at the University of Oregon on HAARP (SW could help identify key people and help fund participation).

Unemployment and Technology Documentary (D. Jenkins): urges SIP members to help in the completion of this video documentary project. Copies of the reports are available from the SIP office.

Proposals for new Working Groups should be made to the co-ordinator, Derek Paul.

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