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Publications and Notes

Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

83.11 Network

This is a Canada-wide newsletter which grew out of the Conference on Militarism held in Ottawa on October 31, the day after the anti-Cruise rally. This conference marked a milestone in the development of the Canadian peace movement because representatives of other movements were invited to relate their causes to that of disarmament and keynote speeches. Often during the conference, people expressed the need for channels of communication which would cut across these various movements and keep those active in each aware of overall progress, of news events downplayed or ignored by the mass media, and of events worthy of their support. This newsletter has been created to attempt to fill that role, to create a network of information sharing among supporters of the peace, civil rights, feminist, native rights, third world liberation, prison reform, counter culture, gay rights, progressive labour and ecology movements. Its purpose is not to supplant any of these organizations’ publications, but to provide a quick summary of material in them that might be of interest to those in other movements or the general public.

This goal can only be reached if groups and individuals are willing to work towards it in two ways:

  1. Subscribe: The first issue was mailed to those who left their addresses at the conference and other known sympathizers. The cost of mailing being what it is, no further copies can be mailed to non-subscribers. Subscriptions are $6. for 12 issues, one per month. If you send cheques or money orders, please make them out to Gary Moffatt.

  2. Communicate: The role of Network’s editors is to collate rather than produce information. If they don’t get the information, there’s no Network. If your group prints a newsletter or magazine, they’d like to set up an exchange between it and Network. As a group or an individual, you’re welcome to send any reports and/or analysis of activities, summaries of articles you consider important, or any other forms of information you feel should be shared. DEADLINE FOR INFORMATION FOR EACH MONTH’S ISSUE IS THE 20TH DAY OF THE PREVIOUS MONTH. Any viewpoint relevant to the social movement may be expressed, and will be understood to represent the author only, not Network or other writers therein.

Send subscriptions and information to: Network, 105 Rideau St. Ottawa K1N 5X1.

Information in Network is not copyrighted and may be reproduced at will.

83.12 A History Of The Canadian Peace Movement

Gary Moffatt traces efforts of Canadians to secure peace from earliest times through to the upsurges of activity in the 1960s and 1980s. Price $4. The same author’s Community Heritage in Western Civilization traces attempts to create model communities from ancient Greece to the present. Price $1. Both available from Network, 105 Rideau St. Ottawa K1N 5X1.

83.13 McGill Group Promotes World Peace

The McGill Study Group for Peace and Disarmament has been encouraging research and dialogue at McGill on issues related to world peace and the urgent need for global disarmament since September, 1981. Currently chaired by Donald Bates, a professor in the department of history of medicine, this group of about 40 members exists to stimulate academic research and provide objective information to anyone interested. Apart from regular research seminars, the group sponsors public lectures and has co-sponsored a symposium on the medical aspects of nuclear war.

(University Affairs, February, 1983, p.7)

83.14 The Cruise Missile: A Canadian Perspective

This 16-page document, prepared by Adam Kahane, Robert Kay, Luis Sobrino and Andrew Spence, of the B.C. Science for Peace Chapter has now been produced (see item 83.8 for background). It can be obtained from Dr. George SpiegeLman, Department of Microbiology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5. Please send a 9×12 stamped self-addressed envelope or a small donation to cover expenses. The cost of the document iS $1.00.

83.17 Acquisitions

The following have been received at the Science for Peace office:

Preprint (50pp and 79 references) “Strategic Arms Control Through Test Restraints: Principles and Case Studies” by M.B. Einhorn, G.L. Kane and M. Nincie, University of Michigan.

Reprint: The Arms Race as a Hypergame” P.G. Bennett and M.R. Dando, Futures (Aug. 1982) pp 293-306, 39 references.

83.18 For Reference

  1. Fellowship magazine regularly runs articles on nuclear disarmament which are too numerous to detail here. For a subscription, write to Fellowship of Reconciliation, 523 North Broadway, Nyack, NY 10960 (phone: 914-358-4601; rate: $10 per year for 8 issues).

  2. “The missed chance to stop the H-bomb” by McGeorge Bundy. The New York Review, Vol. 29, No. 8, May 13, 1982, pp 13-22.

  3. “The MX on the spot”: “Why it will work” by George Keyworth. “Why it won’t work” by Jeffrey Smith. Insight section. Toronto Star, Dec. 11, 1982, p Bl.

  4. “What the Warsaw Pact proposes” A Reuter article carried by Toronto Star, Saturday, Jan. 8, 1983.

  5. “Soviets offer to cut missiles in Europe” Reuter article carried by the Globe & Mail, Wed., Dec. 22, 1982. “Excerpts from speech by Andropov on medium-range nuclear missiles” New York Times, Wed. Dec. 22, 1982.

  6. “Reflections: the waiting nations” by William Pfaff. The New Yorker, Jan. 3, 1983.

  7. “Bishops attack nuclear policy” Globe & Mail, Sat. Dec. 11, 1982, p 20.

  8. “Gospel according to fads just isn’t good enough” by Herman Kahn. (A response to the pastoral letter of the U.S. bishops.) Globe & Mail, Mon. Dec. 13, 1982.

  9. “Municipal elections: wrong spot for nuclear ballot” by J. Patrick Boyer, Globe & Mail, Fri. Nov. 5, 1982, p 7.

  10. “The dangers of nuclear brinksmanship: is case for deterrence sound?” by Don G. Bates, Globe & Mail, Fri. Oct. 8, 1982, p 7.

  11. “Arms control: faint hopes for success” by John Gellner, Globe & Mail, Sat. Oct. 16, 1982 p 9.

  12. “Bush takes on a formidable task” by Jeffery Simpson, Globe & Mail, Tues. Jan. 25, 1983 p 7.

  13. “U.S. planning defense cuts” “Arms plans ineffectual, studies say” “Soviets ‘consider’ missile disposal” Globe & Mail, Wed., Jan. 12, 1983 p C5.

  14. The whole of Volume XI, No. 2-3, 1982 of the journal AMBIO (Journal of he Human Environment), published by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is devoted to the effects of nuclear war. Articles appearing are:

  15. Frank Barnaby, “The effects of a global nuclear war: the arsenals” Barnaby & Rorblat, “The effects of nuclear weapons”

  16. Hugh Middleton, “Epidemiology – future sickness and death” Coggle & Lindop, “Medical consequences of radiation” Crotzen & Birks, “Twilight at noon – the atmosphere” Wetzel, “Effects on global supplies of freshwater”

  17. Alan Seymor, “Effects on ocean ecosystems”

  18. Bondetti, “Effects on agriculture”

  19. Woodwell, “Biotic effects of ionizing radiation” Hjort, “Impact on global food supplies”

  20. Chazov & Varvarian, “Effects on human behaviour”

  21. Arkin, von Hippel & Levi, “Consequences of ‘limited’ nuclear war in East and West Germany

(B. Gombay)

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