Petrotyranny by John Bacher
This book has now reached many readers and sales are going well, especially since 11 September last, perhaps because it has much to say about Osama bin Laden. “Petrotyranny” deals essentially with democratization of the world and how petroleum wealth impedes this process by providing dictatorships with the “rents” they require to maintain oppression.
It also reveals the correlation between environmental neglect and oppressiveness of regimes, and it makes an exceptionally good case for developing and implementing renewable energy technology, especially in North America. It is an optimistic book in that it does contain a strategy for facilitating democratization. It can be obtained at bookstores for $28.99 plus GST, or from Dundurn Press at a 40 percent discount to members of SfP. The same discount is available from the SfP office, but we suggest that you purchase at the SfP office in person, since we are not well staffed to mail off large numbers of parcels.
Other titles
The following other books published by Science for Peace are still available from Dundurn Press: Good Taxes, UN Reform, World Security, Arctic Alternatives, Hopes and Fears, Unarmed Forces, Canada and the World, Disarmament’s Missing Dimension, Accidental Nuclear War. These are available at huge discounts for members from the SfP office.
Our book “Good taxes”, by Alex Michalos, has been translated into Italian and into French. The Italian version has been published in Italy.
One of the useful roles that all members of Science for Peace could serve is to make known to nonmembers the books that we have published. One excellent suggestion you might like to consider is having a copy of each of SfP’s books in your house, for the benefit of visitors. In the early days of book publishing by Science for Peace I found that visitors to our house nearly always enquired about SfP books I had deliberately left lying in view.
Science for Peace will soon be publishing scholarly articles on peace, justice and environmental issues in journal form. Members wishing to submit articles for publication should send them in the first instance to the Publications Committee, 122 Hilton Avenue, Toronto M5R 3E7. There will be a process of review.