sponsored by Science for Peace and the Canadian Pugwash Group
Friday, November 7, 2008 7:30 – 9:30 pm George Ignatieff Theatre Larkin Bldg. 135 Devonshire Place, University of Toronto
Introduction: Annual Eric Fawcett Public Forum
In memory of Eric Fawcett: Dr. Walter Dorn, Chair, Canadian Pugwash Group
Welcome from Trinity College: Provost Andy Orchard, Trinity College
Keynote Speakers
Maude Barlow : President, Council of Canadians
Bob Sandford : Director, Western Watershed Climate Research Cooperative; Canadian Chair, United Nations Water for Life Decade
Aharon Zohar: Inter-Disciplinary Centre, Herzelia, Carmei Yosef, Israel
After the keynote speakers, join the discussion between experts and audience members on how to manage international and national water problems Followed by a post-forum reception at the Buttery
Everyone Welcome—No Charge!
Pre-registration strongly recommended to ensure your seating in the theatre.
Register by email at