Conference to be held at the University of Waterloo Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome’s College 16-18 March 1988Keynote speaker, Wednesday eveningJack StevensonUniversity of Toronto, Department of Philosophyauthor of Engineering Ethics: Practice and PrinciplesThursday Morning: “Ethical Codes for the Professions”Speakers: Mark Frankel (AAAS, USA), Stephen Unger (Columbia University, USA), Leonard Brooks (University of Toronto, Canada)Panel: “Ethical Codes in Practice”Chair: Conrad Brunk (U. Waterloo, Canada)Panelists: Abbayann Lynch (Westminster Institute, London, Canada), Arthur Schafer (U. Manitoba, Canada), Will Waluchow (McMaster U., Canada)Thursday afternoon: “Global Peace and Human Rights”Speakers: Rose Sheinin ( U. Toronto), Israel Halperin (Canadian Committee of Scientists and Scholars), Anatol Rapoport (U. Toronto)Panel: “Global Peace as a Professional Concern”Chair: Tom Perry (Physicians for Social Responsibility, Vancouver)Panelists: TBAFriday: “Activist Groups”Guest Speaker: Beth Savin ( U. Toronto)Speakers: Margaret Keating (nursing), Gary Chapman (computer science), Karen Messing (health & safety), Michael Rachlis (medicine), Steve Shrybman (law), Jeffrey Tyndall (engineering); C.C. Gotlieb and Robin Cohen (educating future professionals), Willem Vanderburg (conference wrap-up)
Registration: $120 includes all sessions, 2 lunches, Thursday banquet. Special student price: $25 (banquet excluded). Preregistration is highly recommended.
For more information write: Centre for Society, Technology and Values University of Waterloo, PAS 2061 Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 Tel: (519) 885-1211, ext. 6215