The Executive Officers, Professor John Dove, the Secretary of Science for Peace and Professor John Valleau, the Treasurer, meet with the President, as necessary, in between regular Board meetings which take place monthly during the academic year. Paul LeBlond, Research Director of Science for Peace, has been doing invaluable work organizing a network of research program directors in major centres: C.C. Bigelow in Winnipeg, Kenneth Dunn in Halifax, Helga Guderley in Quebec City, C.S. Honing in Vancouver, B.C., James King in Toronto, Robert Korol in Hamilton, Robert Malcolmson in Kingston, Peter Nicholls in St. Catharines, David Roulston in Waterloo, Leroy Sanders in Ottawa, G.P. Semeluk in Fredericton, and Philip Wallace in Montreal.
Consideration might be given to establishing a network of Education Directors in Science for Peace Chapters.
The current President, George Ignatieff, has in his capacity as former Ambassador for Disarmament, been a member of the Consultative Committee meeting with Ambassador Doug Roche at the Department of External Affairs in Ottawa. He has also taken an active part in several projects of the Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security, notably their symposium on a “Comprehensive Test Ban” at Montebello, October 23-25, 1986. In his capacity as a former Ambassador to the U.N. he was invited to a conference to consider whether Canada should seek a seat on the U.N. Security Council as of last December, and Canada’s role in NATO.
There is a good deal of impaired thinking among the public on the issues of war and peace in the nuclear age. In all its activities, the Executive is pursuing the policy of seeking how to apply Canadian resources, especially those of scientists, most effectively to the pursuit of international stability and an enduring peace, particularly in thinking and discussing ways of preventing nuclear war.