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Peace Magazine: Science for Peace Section

Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

All members of Science for Peace should have a subscription to Peace Magazine as this is now our regular vehicle for communication of ideas. Canadian subscriptions (including GST) are $17.50/ 1 year and $30/ 2 years. There are six issues per year. Listed below are the articles that have appeared recently in the Science for Peace section of Peace Magazine during 1997. Back issues are available from Peace Magazine at: 736 Bathurst St.,., Toronto ON, M5S 2R4. Tel: 416-533-7581.

May/ June 1997:

*The Lessons of Yugoslavia Conference:

  1. “Bosnia’s Uncertain Future” by Timothy Donais (the new republics have a long way to go before peace in the broader sense of the word, reigns).

  2. “Islands Of Civility and Resistance,” by Ken Simons (civil society and pockets of peace exist in the midst of conflict, and with them hope).

  3. “Why did Yugoslavia Break Up?” Metta Spencer interviews Mitja Zagar (Mitja Zagar is a specialist on international law and constitutions, and ethnic relations at the University of Ljubjana, Slovenia).

July/ August 1997:

  1. The World Order Conference: “De-Militarizing Language” Is the use of military metaphors innocuous or cause for concern? By Davis Smith.

  2. “The Evolution of World Order” The conference in June covered several issues, including spiritual values. By Cheshmak A. Farhoumand.

  3. “Technology Against Poverty” For the first time, modern technology makes it possible to overcome poverty in most remote villages. Shall we do it? By Morris Miller.

  4. “Male and Female Parliaments” Should Nunavut have turned down the plan for parliament to be half male, half female? By Derek Paul.

  5. “Good Taxes” There was a lot of discussion at Sfio’s World Order Conference about Alex Michalos’ new book on taxes. Ian Wood reviews it here.

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