See Science for Peace Press Release from December 17, 2009
To the Honourable Prime Minister and the Ministers of the Canadian Government:
To the leaders of the Opposition Parties:
The undersigned university faculty members call on the Prime Minister and the Ministers of the Canadian Government and on the leaders of the Opposition Parties to respond to the planetary emergency of climate change. As we will argue, greenhouse gas emissions must be drastically reduced, and soon. The time frame is critical, and it is dictated by the physical environment, not by political or economic considerations. To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, you can’t fool the environment any of the time.
It is unacceptable and horrifying by the standards of public health and morality that many industrialized nations are doing the opposite of what is required, by actually increasing greenhouse gas emissions. The Canadian government is particularly culpable, as it has persistently obstructed cooperative global action and even continues to invest in the growth of a carbon-based economy. The Energy Information Administration of the U.S. government predicts that Canada will continue to have the highest per capita carbon emissions in 2030 at 19 metric tons per person, whereas by contrast the continent of Africa will remain at current levels of 1.0 metric tons per person. The physical environment does not know national boundaries: our emissions bring premature death and hardship worldwide, especially to the people who did not cause the problem.
There is so much at stake. Societies are already facing threats of unprecedented severity as climate change is occurring faster than predicted. More intense and longer droughts occur over larger areas, extreme weather events are more frequent and have caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, melting mountain glaciers threaten water systems vital to agriculture, sea level rise begins to inundate island nations and now causes increased salinity in the Nile Delta which is the breadbasket of Egypt, the Inuit people are losing their means of subsistence, extreme heat waves cause thousands of deaths, there is altered distribution of diseases, and higher temperatures have led to massive forest fires and to the costly pine beetle infestation in western Canadian forests. Climate change and other contributing human activities are now causing species extinction estimated to be about a thousand times the natural rate.
The danger is imminent of an irreversible alteration of climate. The tipping point that must be avoided at all costs is the melting of the polar ice-sheets and of the permafrost. Should this happen, the loss of global reflectivity and the release of additional greenhouse gases may send the temperature skyrocketing.
The last time the world was only 1 degree C warmer than pre-industrial levels for a sustained period of time, sea level was five meters higher than today. Such a rise would submerge coastal areas and would inundate low-lying fresh water systems. When the climate was last 2 degrees C to 3 degrees C warmer, sea levels were perhaps 25 m higher than today. Such a catastrophe is admittedly some decades in the future, but preventing it requires action now.
New data from paleoclimate studies, using ice and sediment cores, indicate how much atmospheric CO2 the world can live with. When it stood above 450 parts per million, the polar ice was gone. To be safe from the tipping point, the level must be kept below 350 ppm; this estimate by the eminent NASA scientist James Hansen (see especially James R. Hansen et al, 2008. Open Atmospheric Science Journal, vol 2, 217-231) is endorsed by the Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
At present the concentration is 390 ppm. That is, we have overshot the target. To save a world in which humanity can thrive, it is essential to rapidly reduce carbon fuel emissions to zero and then pass to negative emissions by reabsorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. This is believed to be feasible by using various means including reforestation and underground sequestration. The required changes in energy use and generation will need to persist far beyond our lifetimes, but that must not blind us to the need to begin these changes immediately. If we postpone these very significant reductions we may slide past the tipping point to profound and essentially permanent climate change which might doom human civilization and even humanity.
Canada can still step aside from the path of ecological collapse, but the time is short. It is known that energy from renewable sources – wind, water, and solar – can be enough for the world to have a modified but still comfortable way of life. What is uncomfortable is making the transition so suddenly. Rapidly reducing to zero carbon emissions will inevitably incur substantial short-term dislocations and human insecurity. The need is everyone’s, and all of us must share in meeting it. Jobs lost in energy and extractive industries must be replaced by jobs in conversion to a sustainable economy, and unemployment during the changeover be cushioned by government support. With good leadership, Canada has shown it can make such rapid changes – for example, at the outbreak of World War II. We call on you to provide such leadership now, while there is still time.
The big immediate task is to put in place a precise timetable taking Canada to zero fossil fuel emissions in the near future. This means setting a precise time-profile of maximum emissions, falling quickly to zero (Hansen et al propose, for example, a linear decrease with time, leading to zero by 2030). The chosen schedule of emission reduction needs to be absolute and not subject to trade-offs of any kind.
Various detailed studies have shown how to proceed on the path toward an eventual completely renewable energy society. The huge emissions associated with the military industry cannot be tolerated; transportation and housing arrangements will have to be reconfigured; agricultural practices will have to become less carbon-intensive. The tar sands project is inconsistent with the requirement of zero emissions: tar sands extraction is ruinous to the atmosphere, to the Athabasca water system, and to a large tract of boreal forest. Even in the short term it has not benefited Canadians or Albertans because of the very low royalty rates and large federal subsidies.
Fortunately there are many people in Canada, including academics, who have long studied these problems and who are eager to help the government find the best solutions to each problem. We call on the Canadian government to acknowledge the gravity of the current climate crisis, to safeguard the future of our children and grandchildren who are at great risk here in Canada and worldwide, by taking the appropriate actions without further delay.
Danny Harvey, Professor, Dept. of Geography, University of Toronto, Convening Lead Author and Contributing Author to various IPCC reports
Helmut Burkhardt, Professor of Physics Emeritus, Ryerson University
Chandler Davis, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
Derek Paul, Professor (Emeritus), Dept. of Physics, University of Toronto
Ursula M. Franklin, C.C. FRSC, University Professor Emerita, University of Toronto, Massey College
Dr. Edwin E. Daniel, Professor Emeritus, Adjunct Professor, University of Alberta – Now is the time to act on greenhouse gases!
Peter H. Russell, Professor, University of Toronto
Meyer Brownstone, Professor Emeritus, Political Economy, University of Toronto, Trent University
Dr. Jim Harding, Retired-Adjunct Professor of Justice, University of Regina
Colin L. Soskolne, Professor, University of Alberta, School of Public Health
Pierre Jasmin, professeur titulaire, Université du Québec à Montréal, président des Artistes pour la Paix
Sam Lanfranco, Professor Emeritus & Senior Scholar, York University
Paul Arminjon, Professor, Université de Montréal
Shahrzad Mojab, Professor, University of Toronto
Michael D. Wallace, Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia
Dr. Joanna Santa Barbara, McMaster University (retired)
Jon Thompson, Professor Emeritus, UNB
Franklyn Griffiths, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
Margrit Eichler, Professor, University of Toronto (OISE/UT), FRSC and Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences
Lisa Jeffrey, Professor, Mathematics Department, University of Toronto
Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg, MES, PhD, Lecturer, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
Dr. Beth Savan, Professor, Director of the Centre for the Environment, University of Toronto
Alex C. Michalos, Chancellor, University of Northern British Columbia
Florin Diacu, Professor, University of Victoria
John Warkentin, Professor Emeritus and Senior Scholar, York University
Nancy Holmes, Professor, University of British Columbia Okanagan
Shaun Lovejoy, Professor, McGill
Paul Olson, Professor, University of Toronto
André Gombay, Emeritus Professor, University of Toronto
Natalie Zemon Davis, Adjunct Professor of History, University of Toronto
Jan D. Huizinga, Professor, McMaster University
Dr. D.W. Livingstone, Canada Research Chair of Lifelong Learning and Work, Univeristy of Toronto
Dr. Laura Westra, Professor Emerita, University of Windsor
Bernd Baldus, Professor, University of Toronto
Marion Blute, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto at Mississauga
George B. Spiegelman, Professor, University of British Columbia
Roger I Simon, Professor, University of Toronto
Paul Montpetit Gauthier, Adjunct Professor, Univeristé de Montéal
Dr. Edmund O’Sullivan, Professor, University of Toronto
Jack Quarter, Professor, University of Toronto
Peter Flood, Professor emeritus, University of Saskatchewan
Lorne Tepperman, Professor, University of Toronto
Dr. David V. J. Bell, Professor Emeritus, former Dean, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University
Roy D. Savia, Professor, School of Advancement, Centennial College
Christopher Hrynkow, Distance Education Instructor, University of Manitoba
Roxana Ng, Professor, University of Toronto
Deborah Harrison, Professor (ret’d) and Adjunct Professor, University of New Brunswick, Sociology
John Miller, Professor, University of Toronto
Stephanie Westlund, PhD Candidate, University of Manitoba
Marjorie Griffin Cohen, Professor, Simon Fraser University
Richard Lebrun, Professor Emeritus, University of Manitoba
Sarah Power, Student, Adult Education and Community Development, University of Toronto, OISE
Jim Prentice, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Toronto
Patrick Howard, Associate Professor, Cape Breton University
Weiguo Zhang, Associate Professor, University of Toronto at Mississauga
Alison Prentice, Adjunct Professor, University of Victoria
Wariri Muhungi, Student, OISE, University of Toronto
Jean-Paul Restoule, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto (OISE/UT)
Daniel Schugurensky, Associate Professor, University of Toronto, OISE
Nancy Jackson, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
Catherine Stewart, Assistant Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University
Diana L. Gustafson, Associate Professor, Memorial University
Joseph M. Bryant, Professor, University of Toronto
Dieter Misgeld, Professor emeritus, University of Toronto
Wendy Loudon, M. Ed., University of Toronto
Frangess Kohi, Student, OISE, University of Toronto
Paul Antze, Associate Professor, Social Science, York University
Barbara Godard, Professor Emerita and Senior Scholar, York University
Ellen Judd, Professor, University of Manitoba
Hilda Swirsky, Registered Nurse, OISE Alumni, Environmental Activist
Dr. Darlene Clover, University of Victoria
Dr. Jennifer Dyer, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Lisa Wood, Associate Professor, Laurier Brantford
Dr. Yanqing Yi, Assistant Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Dr. Jill Allison, Lecturer, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Dr. David Maxwell, Dalhousie University, Faculty of Medicine
Paul J. Eisenbarth, Asst. Clinical Professor (Emeritus), McMaster University
Louise Gagne, M.D., University of Saskatchewan
Reade Davis, Assistant Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Eva Kushner, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
Patricia Betts, Assistant Professor, Cae Breton University
Dr. Donald Betts, FRSC, Professor Emeritus, Dalhousie University
Graham Reynolds, Professor of History, Cape Breton University
James Valcour, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Craig Hanyan, Professor Emeritus, Brock University
Karen Mundy, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
Robin Whitaker, Associate Professor (Anthropology), Memorial University of Newfoundland
Dr. Mark Hudson, Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba
Claudia Malacrida, Associate Professor, University of Lethbridge
Meg Luxton, Professor, York University
Holly Platz, M.Ed Candidate, University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Heather Green, Manager, BSW/MSW Programs, FNTI
Al-Nasir Peera, Student – MEd Program, University of Toronto
Dr. Tara Goldstein, Professor, University of Toronto
Gayle MacDonald, Professor, Sociology and AVP Research, St. Thomas University
Catherine Donovan, Associate Professor, Public Health, Memorial University
Roberta Edgecombe Robb, Professor Emeritus, Brock University
Olga Netchaeva, M.Ed. Candidate, University of Toronto
Jason Laurendeau, Assistant Professor (Sociology), University of Lethbridge
Sally A. Ludwig, Sessional Instructor, University of Gueph, Couple & Family Therapy Program
Arun Mukherjee, Professor, York University
Graham M. Simpson, Professor Emeritus, Saskatchewan
Nicole Chapman, M.Ed., University of Victoria
Alison Burkett, Graduate Student and Teacher, University of Toronto
Dr. Sharon Dale Stone, Professor, Lakehead University, Department of Sociology
Faiz Ahmed, Graduate Student, University of New Brunswick
Daryl King, Student Mentor, FNTI/Ryerson University
Eimear O’Neill, PhD affiliate, Transformative Learning Centre, OISE, University of Toronto, International Indigenous Education Network
Ganesh Harilal, Professor, Political Science, Vanier College
Dr. Christopher John Doran, Professor, University of New Brunswick
Roanne Thomas-MacLean, Associate Professor, University of Saskatchewan
Aysan Sev’er, Professor, University of Toronto, Scarborough
Dr. Stan R. Blecher, University of Guelph
Agi Lukacs, Senior Lecturer, University of Toronto
Stephanie Bruce, Ph.D. candidate, Sociology, University of New Brunswick
Shannon Butcher, Youth Justice Worker, First Nations Technical Institute
Fiona Hanley, Professor of Nursing, Dawson College
Abby Lippman, Professor, McGill University
Rachel Welham, University of Toronto
Chris Kaposy, Assistant Professor of Health Ethics, Memorial University
Christiane Rousseau, Full Professor, Université de Montréal, Mathematics
Pierre Biron, Honorary Professor, Université de Montréal, Faculty of Medicine
Iva Kinclova,OISE, University of Toronto
Jennie Hornosty, Professor, Sociology University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
Ann McGoey, Nurse Practitioner, Lakehead University
Erika Simpson, Associate Professor, University of Western Ontario
Charlene Mayes, Senior Teaching Associate, University of New Brunswick
Tim Quigley, Professor of Law, University of Saskatchewan
Gary Warrick, Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford
Youngblood Henderson, Research Director, University of Saskatchewan
Sergei Plekhanov, Associate Professor, York University
Felix Hoehn, Assistant Professor, Law, University of Saskatchewan
Glenis Joyce, Extension specialist, University of Saskatchewan
Lucinda Vandervort, Professor, University of Saskatchewan, College of Law
Brent Cuthbertson, Associate Professor and Director, Lakehead University, Ontario
Glen Luther, Associate Professor, University of Saskatchewan
Markus Gehring, Vice-Dean Research University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section
Mary Pat MacDonald, MA, Student, Liaison, University of Winnipeg, Faculty of Theology
Roy J. Adams Sallows, Chair of Human Rights, University of Saskatchewan
Robin Hansen, Professor, University of Saskatchewan
Ariane Burke, Professor, Université de Montreal
Heather Heavin, Assistant Professor, University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Sandra Hoenle, University of Calgary
Michelle Drapeau, Associate Professor, Université de Montréal
Rakhi Ruparelia, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law
Martha Jackman, Professor, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law
Norman Zlotkin, Associate Dean, Academic University of Saskatchewan, College of Law
Shelley AM Gavigan, Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
Faisal Moola, PhD, Adjunct Faculty, Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto
Rick Schmidt, Instructor, University of Winnipeg, Conflict Resolution Studies
Carly Adams, Assistant Professor, University of Lethbridge
Briony Penn, Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Victoria
Theriault, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law
Susan Boyd, Professor, UBC
Stuart Houston, OC, SOM, MD, Professor Emeritus, University of Saskatchewan
Louis Lefeber, Professor (emeritus), York University
Elaine Newman, Professor Emeritus, Concordia University
Dr. William R. Adamson, Professor of Pastoral Theology (Retired), University of Saskatchewan
James Deutsch, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, University of Toronto
Deborah van Wyck Professor of Nursing, Dawson College
Robert Korol, Professor Emeritus, McMaster, Civil Engineering
Bruce E. Dunn, Professor Emeritus, University of Calgary
Ralph C. Martin, Professor, Nova Scotia Agricultural College
Nonita T. Yap, Professor, University of Guelph
Jean Turner, Associate Professor Emerita, University of Guelph
Alan Slavin, Professor, Physics & Astronomy, Trent University
Doug Surtees, Assistant Professor, University of Saskatchewan
Tom Whillans, Associate Professor, Trent University
Robert M. Pike, Professor Emeritus, Queen’s University
Elaine Gibson, Associate Professor, Law, Dalhousie University
Susan Wurtele, Associate Professor, Trent University
Luis Sobrino, Professor Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia
Lee Lorch, Professor Emeritus & Senior Scholar, York University, Mathematics & Statistics
Helmar Drost, Professor Emeritus in Economics, York University
John A. Boan, Professor Emeritus, University of Regina
Trudy Bruyns, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Assistant Professor, University of Western Ontario, on leave
Bill Atkinson, Professor of Physics, Trent University
Annie Rochette, Professor, Université du Québec à Montréal, Département des sciences juridiques
William C. Mahaney, Professor Emeritus, York University & Quaternary Surveys
Adrian L. Burke, Professor, Université de Montréal
David Lyon, Professor, Queen’s University
Michael Bradfield, Professor, Economics (retired), Dalhousie University
Stanley Jeffers, Associate Professor Emeritus, York University
Richard Collier, Professor Emeritus, Mount Royal
Ben-Z. Shek, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
Colleen Shantz, Assistant Professor, University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto
John Kirk, Professor, Dalhousie University
Phyllis Creighton, Adjunct Faculty, Faculty of Divinity, University of Trinity College
Colleen O’Manique, Chair, Women’s Studies, Trent University
Richard Julien, Professor, University of Saskatchewan
Cathy Holtmann, St. Thomas University
Kenneth Flegel, Professor of Medicine, McGill University
June Larkin, Senior Lecturer, University of Toronto
Celeste Johnston, Professor, McGill University, School of Nursing
Dr. Gerhard Stroink, Professor Emeritus, Dalhousie University
Robert Regnier, Professor, University of Saskatchewan
Colin Stuttard, Professor (Retired), Dalhousie University
Sheelah McLean, Seconded Professor, University of Saskatchewan
Yvonne Cuttle, Associate Prof. (Retired), University of Saskatchewan
Gordon McBean, Professor, University of Western Ontario, CM, FRSC
Nico Koenig, University of Toronto
JoAnn Jaffe, Professor, University of Regina
Jean L Freed, Lecturer, Concordia University
Shelley Cooper-Stephenson, RN, BSN, M.C.Ed, University of Saskatchewan
Aline Deckers, Part-time faculty, Department of Education, Concordia University
Dr. Irene Novaczek, UPEI
Cate Ahrens, Student, University of Toronto
Cathy Vakil, Assistant Professor, Queen’s University
Jessica Senehi, Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba
Ruth Hayhoe, Professor, University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Tracy Swan, Assistant Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador
Peter Camfield, MD, FRCP, Professor, Department Pediatrics Dalhousie University
Radoslav S. Dimitrov, Associate Professor, University of Western Ontario
Larry Schmidt, Dr., University of Toronto
Stephen Hill, Assistant Professor, Trent University
Dr. Rachel Engler-Stringer, University of Saskatchewan
Jane Griffiths, Physician/ Assistant Professor, Queen’s University
Liisa L. North, Professor Emerita, York University
Janet McVittie, Assistant Professor, Science Education, University of Saskatchewan
Elvi Whittaker, Professor Emerita, UBC
Steffanie Scott, Associate Professor, University of Waterloo
Emma Cunliffe Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia
Robert, Sessional Lecturer, University of Saskatchewan
Geoffrey Hodgetts, Professor, Queen’s University
Susan Phillips, Professor, Queen’s University
Tracey Fallak, Course Leader – Instructor, Red River College
Dr. Geraldine Balzer, University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Michael J Sylvester, Queen’s University
Eric Mykhalovskiy, Associate Professor, York University
Karen Schultz, MD, Associate Professor, Queen’s University
Carl Boyd, Professor, Dalhousie University
Maria Jimenes, Assistant Professor, Spanish, Dalhousie University
Norman Epstein, Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia
Patricia Palulis, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa
Dr. Audrey Giles, Assoc. Professor, University of Ottawa
Linda Radford, Part-time professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
Margaret Critchlow, Professor, York University
Paul Parker, Professor, University of Waterloo
Andrew P. Lyons, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario
Will C. van den Hoonaard, Professor Emeritus, University of New Brunswick
Pat O’Riley, Associate Professor, York University
Dr. Shelley Butler, McGill
Marlene R. Atleo, Assistant Professor, Manitoba Education
Dr., Rupa Patel, Queen’s University
Phillip Vannini, Associate Professor, Royal Roads University
Dot Bonnenfant, CHNET-Works! Animateur, University of Ottawa
Patricia Watt, Graduate Student, University of Ottawa
Dr. Steven E. Noble, Faculty Member, University of Ottawa
Peter Cole, Associate Professor, University College of the North
Dr. Jason Price, Assistant Professor, University of Victoria
Dr. Josette Déléas, Mount Saint Vincent University
Dr. Randolph Haluza-DeLay, The King’s University College, Edmonton, AB
Carole Farber, Associate Professor, The University of Western Ontario
R.S. Ratner Professor Emeritus, Sociology, University of British Columbia
Rosemary MacKenzie, Librarian (retired), Dalhousie University
Dr. Myra Hird, Associate Professor, Queen’s University
Jacie Foy, Curriculum Designer, Brandon University
Dr. Kenneth Little, Associate Professor,York University
Dr. Karolyn Waterson, Professor, retired, Dalhousie University
Dr. Ken Deacon, Assistant Professor formerly, Lakehead University, Biology
Daphne Winland, Associate Professor, York University
Bill Bavington, Honorary Research Professor (retired), Memorial University of Newfoundland
Christina De Simone, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa
Teresa Holmes, Associate Professor, York University
Natividad Urquizo, Environmental Planner, Ottawa University
Barrie M. Morrison, Professor Emeritus, UBC
Kathleen Mahoney, Professor, University of Calgary
Dr. Barbara Spronk, Visiting Graduate Professor, Athabasca University
Greg Michalenko, Professor Emeritus, University of Waterloo
Dr. Kathryn McNaughton, University College of the North
Celia Haig-Brown, Professor, York University
Joan Bell, Alumni member of U of S, Past senator and member of the Board of Governors, University of Saskatchewan
Kathleen Buddle, Associate Professor, University of Manitoba
Dr. Chris Ferns, Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Anna Smol, Associate Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Dr. Nargess Kayhani, Associate Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Jean M. Mills, Associate Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS
Elizabeth Church, Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Meg Raven, Librarian, Mount Saint Vincent University
Dr. Leslie Brown, Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Denyse Rodrigues, Mount Saint Vincent University
Dr. Leighton Steele, Mount Saint Vincent University
Dr. Stephen Perrott, Associate Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Fred Harrington, Associate Vice-President, Research, Mt St Vincent University
Dr. Ken Dewar, Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Denise Nevo, Associate Professor, Mount Saint Vincent
Peter Glenister, Bibliographic Services Librarian, Mount Saint Vincent University
Susan Boyd, Professor Emeritus, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Daphne Lordly, Associate Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Elizabeth Hicks, Associate Professor (accounting), Mount Saint Vincent University
Susan Walsh, Associate Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Alex Khasnabish, Assistant Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Dr. Rhoda Zuk, Associate Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Dr. Katherine Darvesh, Associate Vice President (Academic), Mount Saint Vincent University
Blake Poland, Professor, University of Toronto
Dr. David Heap, University of Western Ontario
Trudie Richards, Associate Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Belinda Dodson, Associate Professor, University of Western Ontario
Bernie Hammond, Dr., King’s University College, UWO
Laara Fitznor, Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba
Joyce Ellen Kennedy, Assistant Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Joshua Schuster, Assistant Professor, University of Western Ontario
Bharat Punjabi, PhD Candidate, Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario
Dr. Natasha Patrito Hannon, University of Western Ontario
Dr. Jennifer McLaren, Associate Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Ian Colquhoun, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, University of Western Ontario
Kerry Daly, Professor, Associate Dean (Research – SS), University of Guelph
Shane ONeill, Sessional Lecturer, University of Western Ontario
Jennifer L. Otto, RN BN, Clinical Education Facilitator, Red River College
Marilyn Norman, Lecturer, University of Western Ontario
Ian Attridge, Instructor, Trent University
Dr. Mark Cleveland, Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Western Ontario
Tristan Martel, Teaching Assistant, University of Western Ontario
Jonathan Roberts, Mount Saint Vincent University
Dr. Jane Gordon, Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
DeNel Rehberg Sedo, Associate Professor, MSVU
Brent Sinclair, Assistant Professor, University of Western Ontario
Michiya Kawai, Associate Professor, Huron University College
Susan Church, Part-time faculty member, Mount Saint Vincent University
Scott MacDougall-Shackleton, Associate Professor, University of Western Ontario
Slobodan P. Simonovic, Professor, University of Western Ontario
Patricia M. Gray, Lecturer, University of Western Ontario
Elizabeth MacDougall-Shackleton, Assistant Professor, University of Western Ontario
R Greg Thorn, Associate Professor, University of Western Ontario, Department of Biology
James Staples, Associate Professor, University of Western Ontario
Dr. Christopher G. Guglielmo, Assistant Professor, University of Western Ontario
Louise Milligan, Associate Professor, Biology, University of Western Ontario
Dr. Mark A. Bernards, Professor and Chair, Department of Biology, The University of Western Ontario
Lisa Hodgetts, Assistant Professor – Anthropology, The University of Western Ontario
Tamie Poepping, Assistant Professor, The University of Western Ontario
Liana Zanette, Dr., University of Western Ontario
Lynne Cunningham, Alumnus, Mount Saint Vincent University
Peter Streufert, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Western Ontario
Rebecca Coulter, Professor, University of Western Ontario
Patricia Connor, Director, Cartographic Services, University of Western Ontario, Geography Department
Ann Bigelow, Lecturer, University of Western Ontario
Rosemary Cairns Way, Asociate Professor, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law
Louise Bélanger-Hardy, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
Sanda Rodgers, Professor, University of Ottawa
Donna Bourne-Tyson, University Librarian, Mount Saint Vincent University
Angela Birt, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Mount Saint Vincent University
Hazel MacRae, Associate Professor, Mount Saint Vincent
Nathalie Chalifour, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa
Graham Thompson, Assistant Professor, Western Ontario, Biology
Marc-Andre Lachance, Professor, University of Western Ontario
Joanne St. Lewis, Professor, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law
Jacqueline Mary Huston, Professor, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law
Dr. Michelle Owen, The University of Winnipeg
Shayna Watson, Assistant Professor/Physician, Queen’s University
Victor Neufeld, Professor Emeritus, McMaster University
Jeremy N. McNeil, Professor, The University of Western Ontario
Dr. Sheila Harms, McMaster University
Dr. Penny Powers, Thompson Rivers University
George M. Johnson, Associate Professor, Thompson Rivers University
Dr. Anne Gagnon, Thompson Rivers University
Dr. Fernando Nunes, Assistant Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Peter Tsigaris, Associate Professor, Thompson Rivers University
David Webster, Assistant Professor, University of Regina
Elizabeth Sheehy, Professor, University of Ottawa
Terryl Atkins, Instructor, Thompson Rivers University
Dr. Gabor Sass, Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Western Ontario
Stephen Kimber, Rogers Communications Chair in Journalism, University of King’s College
Paul Handford, Associate Professor, University of Western Ontario
Erica Dodd, Professor, University of Victoria
Larry Hannant, Dr.University of Victoria and Camosun College
Dr. Benjamin Isitt, Assistant Professor and Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria
Dr. Leonora C. Angeles, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia
Ruth W. Sandwell, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
Aline Grenon, Full Professor, University of Ottawa, Programme de common law en français
Tony Weis, Assistant Professor University of Western Ontario, Department of Geography
Megan Davies, Associate Professor, York University
John Janke, Instructor, Thompson Rivers University
Nancy Killick, Lecturer, Thompson Rivers University
Lamarche André, Directeur du Département de musique, Université du Québec à Montréal
Neil Arya, Director of Global Health, University of Western Ontario
Patricia Kaufert, Professor, University of Manitoba
Ray Zabulionis, Lecturer, University of Western Ontario
Margaret D. Sanborn, Assistant Clinical Professor, McMaster University
Martin Foster, Professeur associé, Université du Québec à Montréal
John Schellenberg, Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Kathleen Kerr, MD, University of Toronto
Colin A.M. Duncan, Adjunct Associate Professor, Queen’s University
Donna Varga, Associate Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Margaret Little, Full Professor, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
Kari Brozowski, Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University, Health Studies
Elisabet Service, Assistant Professor, McMaster University
Bonnie Fox, Professor, University of Toronto
Notebaert Eric, MD, MSc, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Montreal
Dr. Andrew Pinto, Lecturer, University of Toronto
Roger Suffling, Professor, University of Waterloo
Ruth Sullivan, Professor, University of Ottawa
Margaret Malone, Associate Professor, Ryerson University
Charles King, Clinical Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Lorri Neilsen Glenn, Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Hilary Cunningham, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
Brent King, Associate Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Darlene Buckingham, York University
Tawhid Habib, Boise St. University, Software Industry
Timothy Leduc, Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Toronto
Alan Abeslohn, Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine and Public Health, University of Toronto
Alan MacEachern, Associate Professor, HistoryUniversity of Western Ontario
Dr. Jean Wilson Associate Professor, McMaster University
Ellie Berger Assistant Professor Nipissing University
Lee Gass, Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia
Ruth Sullivan, Professor, University of Ottawa
Jennifer Fulford, MD, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Janet Wood, Professor, University of Guelph
Victor Snieckus, Professor of Chemistry, Bader Chair of Chemistry, Queen’s University
David Josephy, Professor, University of Guelph, Molec. & Cell. Biology
Ray Morris, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, York University
William Harvey, Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto
Brian Merrilees, Professeur Emerite, University of Toronto
Farrokh Sharifi, Professor, Ryerson University
Jian Li Hao, Associate Professor, Ryerson University
Isaac Engel, Professor Emeritus, Ryerson University
Dr. Tim Sly, Professor, Ryerson University
Brenda Louise Gallie, Professor, University of Toronto, Departments of Molecular
Genetics, Medical Biophysics and Ophthalmology
Diane Granfield, Librarian, Ryerson University
Jinyuan Liu, Assistant Professor, Ryerson University
Harald Bauder, Associate Professor, Ryerson University, Department of Geography
Jennifer Welsh, Professor Emerita, Ryerson University
Jennifer Lapum, Associate Professor, Ryerson University
Melanie Dempsey, Assistant Professor, Ryerson University
Louis Marchildon, Professeur de physique, Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres
Doreen Fumia, Assistant Professor, Ryerson University
Germaine Warkentin, Professor Emeritus of English, University of Toronto, FRSC
Carol Westall, Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Toronto
Nasrin Najm-Tehrani, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto, Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Science
Rod Bremner, Professor, University of Toronto
Ed Andrew, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
Margaret Hobbs, Associate Professor, Trent University
Gary L. Redcliffe, Professor Emeritus, Victoria University, University of Toronto
Chris Grandison, Professor, Ryerson University
C.Douglas Jay, Ph.D, Prof.Emeritus, Victoria University, University of Toronto, C.M.
Dr. Schneider, Queen’s University
Martin J. Steinbach, Distinguished Research Professor, York University
Dr. Emilie David, Queen’s University
Andrew Clement, Professor, University of Toronto, Faculty of Information
Sheila Waite-Chuah, Associate Professor, OCAD / University of Toronto, Sustainable Design
Stéphanie Walsh Matthews, Ryerson University
Geoff Carre, Assistant Professor, Cape Breton University
Alexandra Bal, Assistant Professor,Ryerson University
Eric Harley, Assistant Professor,Ryerson University
John McClelland, Professor Emeritus,University or Toronto
Theo Hofmann, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
Dr. Kathleen Carlin, Ryerson University
Joanna Holt, Counsellor, Ryerson University
Jean Golden, Professor, Ryerson University
Janet Hudgins, Student, UBC
Dougal McCreath, Professor, Laurentian University
Mora Campbell, Associate Professor, York University
Ravi de Costa, Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies, York University
Dr. Marie Killeen, Assistant Professor, Ryerson University
Dr. Leesa Fawcett, Associate Professor, York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Katy McCormick, Assistant Professor, Ryerson University
Deborah Barndt, Professor, York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Catriona Mortimer-Sandilands, Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, York University
Brahim Chebbi, Associate Professor, Laurentian University
Ilan Kapoor, Associate Professor, York University
Barbara Rahder, Dean of Environmental Studies, York University
Andrew O’Malley, Associate Professor, Ryerson University
Krishna Challagulla, Assistant Professor, Laurentian University
Alan T. Davies, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
Dr. Allan Greenbaum, York University
R. Grant Bracewell, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto, Victoria University
Rebecca Peterson, Associate Professor, York University
Peter Harley, Memorial University of Newfoundland, retired
Carolyn Harley, Professor emeritus, Memorial University of Newfoundland
James Carscallen, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
Patricia Wood, Associate Professor, York University
Graeme A. Spiers, Professor, Laurentian University
Joe Sheridan, Associate Professor,York University
Renay Gallimore, Environmental Technologist, Laurentian University
Jonathan Waddell, M.Sc, Graduate Student, Laurentian University
Christopher Wren, Director of Risk Assessment, Laurentian University
John David Wood, Professor Emeritus, York University
Edward Spence, Professor Emeritus, York University
Robert Lemieux, Professor and Head, Queen’s University, Chemistry Department
R. Stephen Brown, Associate Professor, Queen’s University, Chemistry and Environmental Studies
Dr. Tamer Andrea, Queen’s University
Dr. David Edwards, Queen’s University
Igor Kozin, Associate Professor, Queen’s University
Julia van Drunen, Queen’s University
Jason Bornstein, Graduate Student, Chemistry Department, Queen’s University
Dr. Ray Bowers, Queen’s University
Jitendra R. Harjani, Post Doctoral Researcher, Queens University
Lam Phan, Queen’s University
Jeff Crouse, Queen’s University
Francoise Baylis, Professor, Dalhousie University
Gillian Mackey, MSc Student, Chemistry, Queen’s University
Susan Sherwin, Professor, Dalhousie University
Kirstin Borgerson, Assistant Professor, Dalhousie University
Shalyn Littlefield, M.Sc student, Queen’s University, Dept. of Chemistry
Janice Graham, Professor, Dalhousie University
Jennifer Hyndman, Professor, York University
John A. Stone, Professor Emeritus, Queen’s Univeristy
Véronique Laberge, Queen’s University
Richmond Campbell, Professor Emeritus, Dalhousie University
Michael Mombourquette, Professor, Queen’s University
Chester Sadowski, Associate Professor Emeritus, York University
Dr. Toni Suzuki Laidlaw, Dalhousie University (retired)
Hans Westerblom, Professor Emeritus, Ryerson University
Vladimir Tasic, Professor of Mathematics, University of New Brunswick
John Morgan, Professor, Ryerson University
David Donaldson, Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia
Dr. Gordon Doctorow. Professor, Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Frank F. Mallory, Full Professor & Past Chair, Laurentian University – Time for Canada to show some leadership
Mary P. Winsor, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
Philip Jessop, Professor, Queen’s University
Dr. E. Ann Gallie, Associate Professor, Laurentian University
Ralph Whitney, Associate Professor, Queen’s University, Department of Chemistry
Donald Brown, Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia
John S. Traill, Professor Emeritus of Classics, University of Toronto, Victoria College
Dr. Edward Ison, Queen’s University
Paul Raun, Professor, Partial Load, George Brown College, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Dr. Marjorie Stone, Professor, Dalhousie University
Barbara Neis, Professor, Memorial University
Smaro Kamboureli, Professor, Canada Research Chair, University of Guelph
Susan Brown, Professor, University of Guelph
Rita Wong, Associate Professor, Emily Carr University of Art and Design
Duane Elverum, Assistant Professor, Emily Carr University of Art and Design
Carol Gigliotti, Associate Professor, Emily Carr University
Isabelle Swiderski, Part-time faculty, Emily Carr University
Marilyn Cherenko, Associate Professor, Emily Carr University of Art and Design
Karolle Wall, Associate Professor, Emily Carr University
Janice Williamson, Professor, University of Alberta
Jodie Salter, PhD Candidate, University of Guelph
Martha Nandorfy, Associate Professor, University of Guelph
Camilla Pickard Lecturer, Faculty of Community and Culture, Emily Carr University
Susan Scott, Instructor, Wilfrid Laurier University, Dept of Religion and Culture
Dr. Anne White, University of Calgary
Stephanie Posthumus, Assistant Professor, McMaster University
Sheri Bennning, PhD candidate, Alberta
Michael Egan, Associate Professor, Department of History, McMaster University
Ingrid Koenig, Associate Professor, Emily Carr University of Art + Design
John Black, Co-Chair, Liberal Studies Dept., Vancouver Island University
Althea Thauberger, Sessional Instructor , Emily Carr University
Julie Andreyev, Associate Professor, Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Claire Campbell, Associate Professor, Dalhousie University
Justin Novak, Associate Professor, Emily Carr University of Art and Design
Dr. Allan J. Fletcher, Thompson Rivers University
Sharon Kahanoff, Sessional Faculty, Emily Carr University, Simon Fraser University
Dr. Wilma van der Veen, College Professor, Okanagan College
Andrew Wainwright, McCulloch Emeritus Professor in English, Dalhousie University
Susanna Egan, Professor Emerita, UBC
Len Findlay, Professor, U of Saskatchewan
Erin Wunker, Assistant Professor, Dalhousie University
Kit Dobson, Assistant Professor, Mount Royal University
Elizabeth MacKenzie, Sessional Faculty, Emily Carr University
Rod Schumacher, Head of English, Red Deer College
Robert Boschman, Associate Professor, Mount Royal University
Jim Tanner, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia Okanagan
Dr. Mary Chapman, UBC
Roberta J. Birks, Sessional Lecturer, UBC
Mandy Catron, Sessional Lecturer, University of British Columbia
Jennifer Delisle, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta
Nelson Gray, Professor, University of Lethbridge
Adam Frank, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia
John Xiros Cooper, Professor, University of British Columbia
Vin Nardizzi, Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia
Moberley Luger, PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia
Anthony Dawson, Professor emeritus, UBC
Andrew Williamson, Faculty, Emily Carr
Janet Giltrow, Professor, University of British Columbia
Jason Gerhard, Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair, University of Western Ontario
Dr. Sean Saunders, University of British Columbia
John Riviere-Anderson, PhD Candidate , York University
Elspeth Pratt, Lecturer, Simon Fraser University
Katharine Patterson, Chair, Arts Studies in Research & Writing, University of British Columbia
Frances Grafton, Emily Carr University
Ronald L. Grimes, Professor Emeritus, Wilfrid Laurier University
Lorraine Weir, Professor, English Dept., University of British Columbia
Patricia Flood, Assistant Professor, University of Guelph
Neil Cadger, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia Okanagan
Marlene Briggs, Assistant Professor, UBC
Rick Gooding, Lecturer, University of British Columbia
Pamela Dalziel, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia
Rick Gooding, Lecturer, University of British Columbia
Sharon Thesen, Professor, University of British Columbia Okanagan
Robert Budde, Associate Professor, UNBC
Kegan Doyle, Professor, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Michael Zeitlin, Associate Professor, UBC
Dr. Sherrill Grace, UBC
Jenny Du, Queen’s University
Mary Kavanagh, Department of Art Chairperson, University of Lethbridge
Patricia Singer, Instructor, Capilano University
Dr. Sheila M. Ross, Instuctor, Dept of English, Capilano University, North Vancouver, BC
Dr. Letitia Meynell, Dalhousie University
Fern Helfand, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia Okanagan
Lee Chalmers, Associate Professor, UNB
Lorna Weir , Professor, York University
Philip Girard, University Research, Professor, Dalhousie University
Denise Kenney, Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia Okanagan
Affiliations for identification only