[revised 25 Jun 2018]
Below is a list of those nominated to be Board members for a two-year term, 2018-2020. Those elected will join the following who were elected to two-year terms in 2017 (not all are continuing): I. Abuelaish, R. Acheson, L. Adamson, J. Alton, W. Browett, K. Brozowski, D. Burman, J. Car-Harriss, M. Chenouffi, C. Davis, T. Davis, W. Dorn, M. Duguay, J. Duncan, L. Kalafatides, A. Kemper, E. Kirzner, N. Das Kundu, M. Mandy, G. McBean, M. Muldoon, J. Nguyen, R. Seabrook, A. Zuberi.
Those attending by Skype or Zoom who give advance notice will be offered the opportunity to vote by telephone. The AGM will be followed by a meeting of the new Board which will include the election of officers and other members of the Executive Committee.