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Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

84.31 National Office Of PSR

Dr. Eric Letovsky, the National Executive Secretary of the Physicians for Social Responsibility, informs us that PSR has established its national office at Room 534, Banting Institute, 100 College Street, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1L5 (phone: (416) 593-6828). The office will serve as a resource centre for people interested in the medical aspects of the nuclear arms race. Ms. Elizabeth Barry will be on hand each morning.

The national president of PSR is Dr. Ian Carr and the president of the Toronto Chapter is Dr. Gordon Hardacre.

84.32 International Peace Research Association

Chadwick F. Alger, the new Secretary-General of IPRA, invites new members to join the organization. The modest membership fee is $15 includes a subscription to the IPRA newsletter. S4P members may be interested to know that Prof. Anatol Rapoport is one of the founders of URA and presented a keynote paper at their 1983 conference.

Membership applications accompanied by $15 in U.S. funds should be mailed to International Peace Research Association, the Ohio State University, Mershon Center, 199 West 10th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201.

84.34 CJRT-FM Open College Summer Lectures 1984

The following will be broadcast on Mondays at 6 pm. on CJRT-FM (Toronto; dial 91.1).

May 7 “Medical Aspects of Nuclear War” by Dr. Ian Carr May 14 “Arms Control Initiatives” by Robert Reford May 21 “Verification of Nuclear Test Bans Part I” by Dr. Lynn Sykes May 28 “Verification of Nuclear Test Bans Part II” by Dr. Lynn Sykes June 4 “Canada’s History in Matters of War & Peace” by Dr. Kenneth McNaught

84.35 Peace Petition Caravan Campaign

The Campaign is looking for volunteers for canvassing, leafletting, office work and planning. Its aims are to stop cruise testing, declare Canada a nuclear weapons free zone and cut military spending to fund human needs. Further information: 736 Bathurst Street, Toronto M5S 2R4 (416) 534-5762.

84.36 Nuclear Winter And Parliamentarians

Professor CARL SAGAN will address Members of Parliament and Senators on: “Nuclear Winter and its Foreign Policy Implications” at a special meeting on Parliament Hill, June 4 1984. We encourage members of Science for Peace to contact Members of Parliament to impress upon them our deep concern in this matter and to encourage them to attend the meeting. There will also be a Public meeting in the evening of June 4 with Carl Sagan as principal speaker

and a panel including representatives from Science for Peace and from Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR). The Ottawa Chapter of PSR is arranging these events.

84.37 Other Briefs To Joe Clark’s Commission

Professors Anatol Rapoport, Derek Paul, and Peter Richardson (Principal, University College, University of Toronto) each presented briefs to the Hon. Joe Clark’s commission during its hearings in Toronto. Professor Rapoport’s brief discussed peace in the broadest terms and was thus general in its scope, while Derek Paul’s sought the commitment of the Conservative party to support the proposed new “Canadian Institute for Peace and Security”. Peter Richardson’s brief drew attention to the disparity between strategic studies and peace studies in Canada and sought support for the latter, in particular for chairs of Peace Studias at universities.

84.38 Canadian Peace Research And Education Association (CPREA)

CPREA will be meeting at the University of Guelph June 8, 9, 10 on the occasion of the Conference of Learned Societies. There will be Symposia and Sessions of Contributed Papers on various topics in Peace Research.

The theme for 1984 will be Peace Studies: Goals, Methods and Results. Registration should be made at: Secretariat, 1984 Learned Societies Conference, Rm. 054, McKinnon Building, University of Guelph, Guelph N1G 2W1.

84.39 Dollars For Peace

U.S. Foundations have decided to fund peace! See New York Times, March 25th, p. 1 for details.

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