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Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

82.3. Canadian Institute Of International Affairs (CIIA)

CIIA has a first-class library on all aspects of international affairs which may be used by members of the public, i.e., it is not restricted to University of Toronto people. Books may be borrowed from the CIIA library for a small fee, files of press clippings and UN documents are available and there is an excellent col-lection of periodicals, journals and newspapers. The staff are friendly (Mrs. Jane Barrett and Ms. Martha Foote) and the only problem is finding the CIIA library: its official address is 15 Kings College Circle, but it is located in the North Wing of University College on the ground floor of the Laidlaw library. You enter from the north-east, from Tower Road, and if you get lost the telephone number is 979-1851.

82.4. Professional Societies

Physicists: the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) is meeting this year at Queens University, Kingston, June 14-17, 1982. We urge physicists who are members of Science for Peace, whether or not members of CAP, to send in papers to a contributed paper session on Physics and Society. CAP is currently consider-ing the responsibility of the physics community to society, and papers from con-cerned physicists on societal problems such as physics and the arms race, verifica-tion of arms control agreements, technology assessment, physics and development, technology transfer to the third world, physicists and human rights, etc. should galvanise the executive into action. The invited paper session on Physicists and the Nuclear Arms Race at the 1981 CAP Congress in Halifax served to raise con-sciousness of members of CAP. But unless we follow through with a clear plan of action the executive of CAP will sink back into apathy with a sign of relief.

Chemists, Botanists, Mathematicians, Economists, etc. who are members of Science for Peace should try to get their Canadian Professional Society moving towards recognition of its responsibility to society and to taking appropriate action.

82.5. Science For Peace Library

There is a small library in Room 129F of the McLennan Physical Laboratories which Toronto members are encouraged to use. For first use look for Brydon Gombay in Room 129F, Monday or Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00 a.m. or 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

82.6. International Satellite Monitoring Agency (ISMA)

The efteieeeel Brief to the Standing Committee on External Affairs and National Defense will be presented at public hearings on Security and Disarmament, which are being held in Ottawa during February. Members of Science for Peace may regard this brief on ISMA as a position paper, which joins the Kennan Proposal, sent out with the last Bulletin, in defining our policies.

82.7. United Nations Association In Canada (UNA)

The UNA will host a major conference on “The Arms Race Revived: an Outlook for the Eighties” in Toronto, May 13-15. The speakers include John Kenneth Galbraith, Herbert York, Georgi Arbatov, Rod Byers, John Caccia, John Polanyi, Inga Thurson, Paul Warnke. Science for Peace will be helping with the arrangements and will provide workshop leaders and chairmen. The fee for the whole conference is $48.00, including $20.00 for the banquet and $10.00 (or $30.00 with banquet), and membership of UNA is not required to attend.

The lecture “The Waste of the Arms Race” by John Kenneth Galbraith, chaired by Walter Gordon, will be given in Convocation Hall at the University of Toronto at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 13: admission $2.00 (or included in registration fee).

Further information may be obtained by writing to DNA, 63 Sparks Street, Ottawa KlP 5A6, Tel. (613) 232-5751. UNA would welcome your membership and participation in their activities. Their membership fee is $15.00 which when added to $15.00 to Science for Peace is quite reasonable, especially since we hope our fee like theirs will soon be tax-deductible!

82.8 United Nations Special Session On Disarmament (UNSSOD II)

Peace groups across Canada are determined to make a strong demonstration of support for the World Disarmament Campaign to be launched in 1982 at UNSSOD II. Activities are being organized in major cities in Canada, culminating in a huge International demonstration in New York City on Saturday, June 12.

Members of Science for Peace will learn about local activities in due course, but we shall describe briefly the tentative plans and dates proposed thus far.

  1. Vancouver demonstration April 24

  2. Ottawa Operation Dismantle plans a demonstration on Parliament Hill, April 25.

  3. Ottawa Coalition for World Disarmament plan – a Conference in Ottawa May 8, 9 (still tentative).

  4. Toronto the Toronto Disarmament Network is planning three days of activities June 4-6, starting with a public meeting in Convocation Hall which Science for Peace will help to organize.

Operation Dismantle has chartered three buses to go to New York, leaving Ottawa, Friday night and returning Saturday night, June 12. The fee will be $53.00. We shall let members of Science for Peace know of similar plans for buses from other cities.

82.9. Chair Of Peace Studies At University College

The proposal for a Chair of Peace Studies has been newly submitted, by University College, to the Private Support Project Review Committee, strengthened by offers to cross-appoint a suitable candidate stemming from Medicine, Engine-ering, The Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, and within Arts and Science from Economics, Philosophy and Physics. The School of Graduate Studies has also written, offering institutional support for the proposal.

The Committee meets February 8, with the Peace Chair on its agenda.

We wait. And while we wait, we invite your suggestions on both funding and the search!

-Terry Gardner

82.11. Pugwash: Banff 1981

The report of the 31st Pugwash Conference held at Banff, Alberta, August 28 – September 2, 1981 is enclosed with this newsletter.

82.12. Chemical Warfare Workshop Report

Enclosed with this newsletter is a brief report, produced by Derek Paul in collaboration with others on the Chemical Warfare Workshop held at the University of Toronto on January 9, 1982.

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