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Network News

Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

82.18. UNA Conference In Toronto: May 13-15

The UNA Conference: More Arms!, Less Security? will take place in Toronto May 13, 14 and 15. Members of,Bcience For Peace should have received a brochure about this important conferedce. You are encouraged to attend and to keep in mind particularly our need to develop research projects in accordance with the stated objective of Science For Peace “to encourage scientific activities direct-ed towards peace”. We hope in the course of this conference to gain some insight into what might be suitable research projects for Canadian scientists. The Workshops scheduled on Saturday morning May 15 will provide an especially good opportunity to find what is needed, and we plan to get members of Science For Peace together immediately after the conference at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday afternoon May 15 for a round-table discussion over dinner to work out a roster of suitable research projects — a notice about this will be posted at the conference.

If you have not already registered for the UNA Conference, you should do so soon: $48. including Friday banquet and Saturday lunch, OISE Conference Office, 252 Bloor Street West, 12th floor, Toronto M5S 1V6. If you are able to attend only the Saturday morning workshop, we are negotiating a suitable reduced registration fee with UNA.

If you are not able to attend the UNA Conference, please write in with ideas for research (or educational) projects in which you would like to partic-ipate.

82.21. United Nations Special Session On Disarmament

(UNSSOD II) is the high-point of peace and disarmament activities in 1982. Members of Science For Peace wishing to participate in the activities in New York, should write for further information, but the following brief notes will give some indication of the arrangements:

  1. Housing at $13. per night is being arranged at Columbia College (men) and Barnard College(women).

  2. A trip June 10 (7:00 a.m. departure) to June 13 (Sunday ca. 10:00 p.m. return) for $75. ($114. including room) is being arranged by Voice of Women (for men and women) — write 175 Carlton Street, Toronto M5A 2K3 for applica-tion form or telephone 922-2997.

  3. June 11: a room at 777 UN Plaza floor 10 has been reserved for a meeting of all Canadians Friday evening.

  4. June 12: march and rally from Central Park to UN.

  5. June 13: international open air gathering and disarmament services in New York churches.

© Most activities will be accessible to the public, but if you wish to have a UN grounds pass giving you access to the UN building you must supply a registration form (3 copies) and passport photo (2 copies) to Science For Peace which must forward them to the UN by May 24 (registration forms available on request). Even this procedure may not work since Science For Peace is still in the process of becoming an official Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO).

82.29. Toronto Disarmament Network Special UNSSOD II Events June 4-6

The Toronto Disarmament Network is presenting the following events for the United Nation Second Special Session on Disarmament.

Friday, June 4, 7:30 p.m. at Convocation Hall

Harvey Cox (Harvard Divinity School) “Spirituality and Nuclear War” Richard Falk (Director, International Studies, Princeton) “Is the Nuclear Arms Race Legal?” Music by Bob Carty, Paula Kriwoy, Dave Graham Responding Panel: Moderator – Setsuko Thurlow Members – Ursula Franklin, Dan Heap, Richard Koypcinski, Dave Patterson

Tickets: $2. (Students & seniors, $1) stamped self-addressed envelope with cheque to Toronto Disarmament Network, 730 Bathurst St., Toronto, Ontario M5S 1C4

Saturday, June 5

10:30 Meet at Bloor & Christie for parade to Queen’s Park 12:30 Picnic at Queen’s Park with entertainment and speakers

Sunday, June 6

Evening music festival for peace Details: 532-6720

82.22. Attention: Physicists

Physicist members of Science For Peace (and others concerned about societal problems relating to physics) who are attending the CAP Congress in Kingston in June are invited to participate in an informal discussion on Physics and Society. The time and meeting place will be announced at the Congress.

82.23. Canadian Disarmament Campaign (CDC)

This is being formed with the structure and functions described in the enclosure. The CDC Peace-Disarmament Calendar 1982 on the reverse side is one example among many of the useful services CDC will provide.

82.24. FAS Nuclear War Education Project

The FAS project has these objectives:

  1. to develop study groups and course modules on nuclear war.

  2. to train scientists and others to give presentations to schools and community groups.

  3. to develop and distribute teaching materials.

This project is new and promises to be invaluable for Science For Peace’s educational activities. A newsletter COUNTDOWN will be issued regularly con-taining information about course modules, conferences, organisations, activities, book and film reviews etc. We enclose a copy of the first and last pages of the first issue of COUNTDOWN for March 1982 plus book and film reviews to give you an idea of the value of their publication. We encourage Science For Peace members, particularly those planning educational work, to subscribe to COUNTDOWN.

82.25. Toronto Peace Film Series

The Peace Film Series is expected to start towards the end of May — watch the “Keep This Date” column in Thursday’s Globe and Mail or the “What’s Happen-ing” column in Thursday’s Toronto Star.

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