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Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

83.32. Resolution Of The Canadian Association Of University Teachers (CAUT)

The CAUT Council, made up the presidents of all faculty associations (64 in number) at universities across Canada passed the following resolution (with no negative votes and 12 abstentions) at its annual meeting May 13 in Ottawa:

“That the Canadian Association of University Teachers urge the Government of Canada to take all possible steps to curtail the development and deployment of weapons of mass destruction and in particular to refuse to participate in the development and testing of any such weapons or their delivery systems including the cruise missile.”

83.34. Inter-University Workshop On Peace Education

Science for Peace and the Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies at Conrad Grebel College Waterloo are arranging this Workshop for university teachers and students.

Place: York University, Downsview, Ontario. Dates: Saturday November 19, Sunday November 20, 1983.

There will be three half-day sessions:

  1. Alternative Defence Strategies

  2. Peace Studies Courses and Programmes

  3. Linking Your Field to Issues of War and Peace

Let us know if you might be interested in attending. We shall provide in September information about speakers, format, accommodation and possibly assistance with travel expenses for some participants.

Please write now to: Prof. L.T. Gardner Science for Peace, University College University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. M5S 1A1

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