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Members in the news

Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

S4P board members, Norman Alcock, Canadian Peace Research Institute, Huntsville, Ont., William Epstein, UNITAR, and Margaret Fulton_,_ president, Mount St. Vincent University at Halifax, N.S., are on the board of Canada’s new Institute for Peace and Security. Prof. Fulton was elected vice-president at an October organizing meeting. The executive director had not been chosen at the time THE BULLETIN went to press.

Ambassador Roche announced that the first year’s budget for the Institute will be $1.5 million. Created as a lasting part of former Prime Minister Trudeau’s “Peace Initiative”, it is fully endorsed by Prime Minister Mulroney and his government. Development of the program of the Institute awaits the choosing and appointing of the executive director.

President of the board of the new Institute is William Barton, former ambassador to the United States. Hansard offprints of S4P’s brief endorsing the creation of the Institute are available.

Myriam Fernandez (Botany Dept. U of T) arranges and can arrange seminars or speaking engagements for S4P members across Canada. Write her c/o the 54P office or call her at (416) 978-6304.

Andrew Pakula has become co-editor of the bulletin of the bulletin of Psychologists for Social Responsibility. Apt. 504, 33 Elmhurst Ave., Willowdale, Ontario M2N 6G8.

Al Rycroft is the motor for INPUT — Initiative for the Peaceful Use of Technology, Box 248, Stn. B, Ottawa, Ontario K1126C4. INPUT’S members are principally engineers, computer programmers and scientists. It is affiliated with the US based High Technology Professionals For Peace, which has published a pamphlet ‘Are you Considering a Career in the Defense Industry?” Write the organization at 639 Massachusetts Avenue, Rm 316, Cambridge, Mass_._ 02139

Wilson A. Head (York Univ.), a founding member of SIP and Social Workers for Peace, is on sabbatical at the School of social work, Univ. of Victoria, B.C.

Founding president Eric Fawcett (U of T) is on sabbatical in Australia and Denmark.

Michael Lanphier (York) is teaching a senior level course ‘Peace and Social Movement’.

Dr. Ian Carr (Winnipeg) has finished his tour of duty as president of the national Physicians for Social Responsibility. His “year” ended in a blaze of glory with the highly successful Canadian Conference on Nuclear War: The Search for Solutions in Vancouver, Oct. 19-21, and seeing the international organization of physicians to which PSR belongs receive the UNESCO peace prize. Successor to Dr. Carr is Dr. Dorothy Goresky, Vancouver.

S4P President Anatol Rapoport, and board members John Polanyi, and Luis Sobrino, were speakers at the BC Nuclear War conference. On the organizing committee were SfP members Anthony Arrott, Paul LeBlond and Vera Webb. George Spiegelman led off the question periodto the political party leaders’ forum.

Resource persons at a series of seminars for ACT in Toronto Aug. 10 to Sept. 28 were U of T Professor Jack Dainty (Botany)’“Nuclear Winter”; Mel Watkins (Economics), “Disarmament and Economic Conversion”; Lynn Trainor (Physics), ‘_An __International Satellite Monitoring Agency”; _Derek Manchester (Physics), ‘The Cruise and other Missiles”; Derek Paul (Physics), ‘Star Wars Weaponry’.

On Tuesday, December 4, 8 p.m., S4P secretary Professor Derek Paul, Physics Dept., University of Toronto, will speak on Star Wars at the Bloor Street United Church in Toronto. This is a joint S4P members / Bloor Street Peacemakers lecture.

S4P research directors Chandler Davis and John Valleau are also seeking that ‘one more letter’ for research purposes. If you’ve read through the list of member publications offered in this issue of the Bulletin, you know that more than a letter is eventually wanted. They hope to get a survey of on-going research by S4P members that address our common concerns, then give a push toward new research in areas that aren’t being addressed adequately. Send a summary or a working paper or a published paper — indicate if you’d like some feedback or if the material can be circulated.

S4P national board member Tony Arrott, of Simon Fraser University, is organizing a course at SFU on issues relating to nuclear war, technology and effect of science on society. Local members of SFU will participate. The members at UBC are considering presenting a continuing education course.

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