I’ve just read the latest Bulletin — one of the best yet! Anatol’s article on his USSR visit was terrific and provided great insight into today’s USSR. The review of Gorbachev’s book was also excellent.
– David Roulston, Waterloo
I do enjoy reading the Bulletin-particularly in the last number, the two articles on page 3-4. I subscribe to a lot of groups which promote “sanity” in national and international affairs as far as my limited resources permit.
As a scientist my chief concern has been with the wise use of natural resources and the necessity of an ecological approach to the problems of humanity, if homo sapiens is to be worthy of the scientific name he has given himself. This, to me, is the meaning of “Science for Peace”.
As Claude Bernard said a century ago, “True science teaches you to doubt and in ignorance to refrain.” But the methods of science have been used to produce man’s ultimate folly: nuclear weapons. True scientists will have no part in this.
– Reg Balch, Fredericton, N.B.
Your note about the newly-found Einstein letter (the Bulletin, Sept. 1987) shows how much we all feel the presence and impact of Einstein’s evolutionary way of thinking. As a result of having written a paper on the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox and on time, I have become acquainted with some of the considerable work being done in this area theoretically and experimentally. The most exciting idea is that there is still room left for evolution in our conception of time.
I would like to know whether some people in Science for Peace would be interested in entering a discussion of our conception of time to the depth at which it is now being discussed in numerous books and in symposia organized by the Int’l Society for the Study of Time, which includes a number of Canadian scientists.
– Michel Duguay, 11 Lewis Point Road, Fair Haven NJ 077O4 USA
The Journal of World Peace (editor, W. Peters, Univ. of Minnesota) is going to publish “Native Philosophy of Peace” in a slightly changed version next year. Continuing the idea, we are trying to put some mention of “Native Science” in public schools. To that end I have prepared “Raven the Original Scientist” and “Pedagogy of Silence”. In a sense, Natives in Canada and the USA do not have “peace” — they are still suffering under cultural depression. I wonder if anyone else in Science for Peace is interested and able to help?
– Sam Kounosu, Lethbridge, AB
Editor’s note: Original manuscripts of these papers available from the Bulletin.
New Release
The book, Strategic Doctrines and their Alternatives, is a result of an international cooperative effort led by Prof. Yoshikazu Sakamoto, Faculty of Law, Univ. of Tokyo, with the collaboration of the UN University. Scholars from West Germany, France, Canada, Japan, USA, India, Norway, Finland, Yugoslavia and Sweden participated. Anatol Rapoport was Canada’s representative.
Publisher’s address: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 50 West 23rd St., New York, NY 10010, USA.
Waterloo Chapter
Science for Peace: Waterloo — Guelph is a projected program for SfP members in this area for 1988. If attempted joint programs prove successful, the relationship will be formalized by re-naming the present Waterloo Chapter. New officers elected at the Chapter’s annual meeting are president James Gardner, vice-president James Cross, treasurer Cynthia Folzer, secretary Cam Robinson, meetings convener Frank Thompson, publicity director Rob Dickinson.
Thank you for the copy of the Report of the July Workshop on Satellite and Airborne Surveillance. I found the workshop to be informative and also a very useful opportunity to meet some of the other people interested in arms control verification. I hope Science for Peace will maintain its interest in this area. — Al Banner, Ottawa.
I certainly had a feast of reading the night the articles I had requested came to my home. I am so glad to have found out about this organization and feel greatly encouraged to continue my commitment to struggling for peace.The article by Anatol Rapoport, “The Study of Conflict”, was particularly enlightening, bringing to mind much of my recent research in psychosynthesis. — Dale McDonough, Toronto
David Roulston, secretary since the Chapter’s founding, goes on sabbatical May 1 and will spend the year at Oxford University, England.
Leonard Johnson, Gwynne Dyer, Pauline Jewett and Tad Homer-Dixon were to participate in the first Peace Festival at Wilfred Laurier University 31 January to 5 February.
Norbert Wiener Award
The Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility Norbert Wiener Award has gone this year to David Parnas, Queen’s, Kingston, national Board member and a regional research and education director of Science for Peace. The Award was established to recognize extraordinary and exemplary practice of the highest standards of social responsibility in the computing profession and to honor someone who makes a significant personal sacrifice for the sake of public safety, the reduction of risk, and the maintenance of the highest example of professional conduct.