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Letter to the Indian Scientists Against Nuclear Weapons (ISANW)

Writer: Science for PeaceScience for Peace


We are writing on behalf of the Canadian organization “Science for Peace”, to welcome your organization “Indian Scientists Against Nuclear Weapons” in the world community of NGOs devoted to peace.

Science for Peace started in 1981 with the primary purpose of working to prevent nuclear war, during the “Cold War” between U.S.A. and USSR. Over the years our mandate has broadened.

We should be glad to correspond with you, and if there is any way that we might he able to help you please feel free to ask

Having been concerning ourselves with this matter for a number of years we may be able to direct you to sources of information. We have briefly visited your web site, and see that you are already in touch with some good sources. You may like to join the international coalition “Abolition 2000” of which the objective is to achieve a Nuclear Weapons Convention (by the year 2000) committing the nations of the world to eliminate their nuclear weapons, and to agree to a firm time-table to complete this.

The peace organizations worldwide were distressed to learn of the nuclear weapon tests by India and Pakistan in May, and hope that the two countries will not follow further down the trail of terrible errors made by U.S.A. and USSR. The world has been lucky to survive 40 years of that confrontation. The risk of a nuclear war between them, more likely accidental than intentional, has not gone away even now. They still hold their weapons on “alert” and are said to be prepared to “launch on warning”. An interim goal is to persuade the Nuclear Weapon States to separate warheads from their delivery vehicles, to eliminate the risk of accidental war.

Greetings and best wishes to you all personally and to your organization, from your colleagues in Canada, members of Science for Peace.

Signed by Mel Watkins and Alan Phillips

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