The International Campaign For The Innu And The Earth (ICIE) has invited four Innu women elders on a speaking tour of southern Ontario.
Elizabeth Penashue and two sisters, translator Rose Gregoire and Ann Philomena Pokue will be accompanied by tea doll maker Theresa Andrew. They are representatives of the Innu Women’s Group in Sheshatshiu, Nitassinan (Labrador) . They will be speaking to supporters in Oakville, Toronto, Aurora and Hamilton on this tour which extends from Saturday, September 28 to Thursday, October 4, 2002.
Elizabeth Penashue led her people onto the runway at Canadian Forces Base Goose Bay in the 1980s to stop the military jets from training over her people’s lands. Rose Gregoire is a community health care worker. The purpose of the tour is to raise awareness about the Innu Women’s Group and to raise funds to support this exciting new organization’s work in their own community of Sheshatshiu, Nitassinan (Labrador). These caring women truly deserve our support.
All of the proceeds from all of these events will be donated to benefit the Innu Women’s Group.
It is a great honour to have the opportunity to hear Innu elders sharing their concerns for the natural environment and their people.
Moving and provocative communicators, they will paint a vivid picture of the dramatic changes to their people’s land, Nitassinan, since the days when they and others of their generation were born in tents in the vast unceded Innu hunting territory of the Quebec/Labrador peninsula. In addition, supporters will learn from these courageous grandmothers about the devastating impacts environment experienced daily by the Innu due to multinational, military, and industrial activity in Nitassinan.
Here is the itinerary:
SATURDAY, SEPT. 28, 2002
Interact live with our guests on CKLN Radio 88.1 FM from Noon to 1 pm on Saturday, September 28. Odelia Bay will be interviewing the Innu women then the phone lines will be switched on so listeners can call in with their own comments or questions for Elizabeth, Rose, Ann and Theresa. Phone (416) 595-1655 to ask a question, live on the radio.
SUNDAY, SEPT. 29, 2002
The Innu are coming to Oakville’s 16th Annual Peace Concert on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2002 from 2 pm to 4:30 pm at the Church of the Incarnation, 1240 Old Abbey Lane, north of the QEW at Dorval Drive and across from the entrance to the Glen Abbey golf course. Oakville’s 16th Annual Peace Concert will take stock of the overwhelming impact of militarism on the environment. In addition to the four Innu women elders, there will be musical performances from local artists. The Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights is asking supporters to donate $5 to attend. You can again hear the speakers on CKLN Radio 88.1 FM on Sunday’s feminist radio program.
MONDAY, SEPT. 30, 2002
On Monday, September 30 from 7 to 9 pm, ICIE is sponsoring a free Public Forum in Room 2214 on the second floor at OISE, 252 Bloor Street West, just above the St. George subway station.
TUESDAY, OCT. 1, 2002
On Tuesday, October 1 from 6 to 9 pm, ICIE and the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto are hosting a fundraising Banquet Dinner in honour of the four Innu women. All are welcome to attend at 16 Spadina Road, just north of Bloor Street on the west side; however we do require advance confirmation of attendance for the purpose of preparing the right amount of food. A native cuisine meal will be served. It is recommended that supporters donate a minimum $10, to attend in order to cover expenses, to $50 or more.
THURSDAY, OCT. 3, 2002
ICIE and the Oakville Community Centre For Peace, Ecology And Human Rights are hosting a Banquet Dinner at the Peace Centre on Thursday, October 3 from 6 to 9 pm. Advance confirmation is again required to attend and a $10 to $50 donation is suggested. All are welcome to join in at 148 Kerr Street, just south of Rebecca Street on the west side. .A native cuisine meal will be served. Please phone (905) 849-5501 to confirm your attendance.
Earlier on Thursday afternoon, they will address students attending several courses at McMaster University including the Indigenous Studies program with the assistance of Dawn Martin-Hill.