This workshop —on Increasing International Stability was the fourth in a series. organized by the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) in Laxenberg, Austria. (1983), Cleveland, USA (1986), and Budapest, Hungary (1989). It was organized by Science for Peace for IFAC with the principal aimof extending the ideas from previous workshops about the use of—systems engineering methods for resolving international conflicts, with contributions also welcomed from the point of view of political science; economics, sociology, international studies, etc.
The Workshop was most successful, with 27 papers presented by participants from USA, Canada, UK, Austria, Germany, Russia, South Africa, and Switzerland.
It is anticipated that about 10 of the papers presented will be published by IFAC in one of their journals, Automatica, or Control Engineering Practice Publication of the complete Workshop Proceedings is under consideration.
We are especially indebted to Jean Smith for dealing with the innumerable questions and problems that arise in the course of such an event.
Eric Fawcett, Workshop Chairperson