Medical Sciences Building, University of Toronto1 King’s College Circle, College and University
Opening SessionWhy Is There A War In Afghanistan?Prof. John McMurtry, University of Guelphdownload audio · transcript
Workshops The UN & International Legal ResponsibilitiesSenator Lois Wilson, Professor Jutta Brunnée transcriptCivil Liberties and the “Anti-Terrorism” Bill (C36)Rocco Galati, LLB. transcript Professor Martha Shaffer Refugee & Human Rights- the Humanitarian ResponseDr. Tommy Laulajainen, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Mid-East Dynamics & SolutionsProf. Atif Kubursi, McMaster University; Ali Mallah, Canadian Arab Federation: Kelly Gotlieb, Canadian Friends of Peace Now
Plenary Session Canada’s Role: What Ought It To Be & Who Decides?Prof. Leo Panitch, York Universitydownload audioHow Should Canada Respond to War and TerrorismAileen Carroll MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairsdownload audio · transcriptHow Should Canada Respond to War and TerrorismProf. Emeritus Ursula Franklin, University of Torontodownload audio · transcriptThis war is illegal and immoral, and it won’t prevent terrorismProf. Michael Mandel, York Universitydownload audio · transcript