Hans Blumenfeld established the Franz Blumenfeld Peace Foundation in 1982, and dedicated it to the memory of his brother Franz. Franz’s experience as a German soldier in the First World War led him to such resolve as that expressed in a letter to his mother: “You know that I have always been opposed to war, but now that I have experienced it, I have decided to devote all my life to work for peace, if I ever come back.” Franz never came back.
The Franz Blumenfeld Peace Fund is now administered by Science for Peace, a Canadian charitable organization. A special committee is vested with the responsibility of making funding decisions.
The purpose of this fund is to foster world peace through educational and research activities. Grants or loans will be considered for proposals involving specific projects or events likely to reach a broad spectrum of the general public. Innovative projects may be funded, especially if they are directed toward individuals heretofore not reached by peace education projects.
Requests for grants or loans will be considered for public meetings, exhibitions, artistic presentations, and for distributing information. Scholarly projects and others deemed eligible for government funding are less likely to receive consideration. Funding will not be considered for an organisation’s (or an individual’s) ongoing activities, an organisation’s start-up costs i.e. seed money, for organising demonstrations, running petition campaigns, or for legal fees.
Applicants are advised that a grant or loan normally will not exceed $1000. Furthermore, because the fund is not intended to provide sustaining funds to individuals or groups, those receiving grants or loans in any one year are unlikely to receive support in the following year.
Please e-mail your application to the Chair of the Franz Blumenfeld Fund Committee with copies to the other members: Frank Cunningham, Chair fcunning@chass.utoronto.ca
416 978-8237 or 962-7810 Tom Davis tdavis@look.ca
A final report is requested within thirty days of the event or completion of the project. The recipient should provide a brief evaluation and financial statement. Any unused portion of the contribution should be returned with the final report.
Annual Blumenfeld Fund Report, Summary for the Period 01/2001 to 12/2001
From Frank Cunningham
As of the end of December 2001, the equity in the fund was $57 995.98, up $2 084.59 from December 2000.
Grants for the Year
April: $1 000 to the ICAE — Peacefund Canada for workshops and lectures held over the academic year in the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa.
April: $500 to the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom to support their publication of “Women Against Racism: Toward a Culture of Peace.”
May: $1 000 to Science for Peace toward publication of a brochure on economic determinants of militarism for distribution at the People’s Summit and the Alternative Avenue Fair in Quebec City.
Note added January 2011: This is an ARCHIVED article from June 2002. For current information on the Blumenfeld Fund please see here .