The Franz Blumenfeld Peace Foundation was established by the late Hans Blumenfeld to commemorate his brother, Franz, whose death in the trenches of the First World War motivated Hans to undertake a life- long campaign for peace. The Foundation is administered by Science for Peace, which receives applications for financial support for initiatives in peace education.
In accord with Hans Blumenfeld’s wishes, financial awards are made for projects, whether of organizations or individuals, which are likely to be of value for general peace education. Blumenfeld Fund awards are drawn from interest on capital and do not typically exceed $1,000. The fund assets are $50,000 in bonds and $5,940.50 in cash, and total fund equity is $57,400.35. In fiscal year 1996/97 awards were made for the following initiatives:
$1,500 to SIP for its conference on the Lessons of Yugoslavia ($500 was repaid).
$1,000 to Peace Fund Canada for their landmines media campaign.
$500 to the Toronto Board of Education to help send students from the Ursula Franklin Academy to a peace conference.
$220 to D. Jenkins to prepare a documentary film on peace and technology.
$1,000 to SIP for a workshop on peace issues.
$1,000 to W. Dorn for a conference on the Evolution of World Order.