Two impressionistic journeys through war from a feminist perspective (a benefit performance for Women’s Groups in former Yugoslavia) Thursday, March 13, at 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm at the National Film Board Theatre, 150 John Street “A Balkan Journey: fragments from the other side of war” by Brenda Longfellow and “Black Kites” by Jo Andres
“Asking Different Questions : Women and Science” coming soon This film was released in the Fall. It was inspired by Ursula Franklin, and produced by Artemis in conjunction with the National Film Board. The film looks at how the increasing participation of women is transforming the fabric of science and technology. A group of SfP student members , with the assistance of faculty, plan to show the video/film to friends and colleagues. To obtain a video copy, call the NFB at 1-800-267-7710. Order # 9196053. Cost $26.95.
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