SfP Representative to INES: Eric Fawcett— fawcett@physics.utoronto.ca A full copy of the Report on the Congress is available on request. INES Congress, August 1996: “CHALLENGES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” Science and engineering have become instrumental to many of the present unhealthy patterns of development. This is why the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES: SfP is a member) organized this a Congress on the topic.
INES was supported by the co-organizing University of Amsterdam, who hosted the Congress, the international union organisation FIET, and the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, a major German research institute. Over 500 people attended the Congress.
The four major topics of the Congress, organized into 20 workshops, were:
Ethical foundations and basic attitudes;
Concepts and strategies for sustainable economies;
Sustainable development on a local, regional and global scale;
Elements of a safe and secure world.
The future work of INES in the spirit of the Congress relies vitally on a broad membership. INES is an international association of individual engineers and scientists as well as over 70 member organizations from five continents (including Science for Peace). All readers committed to a responsible use of science and technology are invited to become individual members. Application forms are available from:
INES, P.O.B. 101707, 44017 Dortmund/Germany, or fax +49-231-103869, or e-mail r.braun@ping.de, or on the INES home page ( http://cac.psu.edu/~duf/social/ines.html).