UN Conference on Disarmament, Report of the ad hoc Committee on Chemical Weapons to the Conference on Disarmament ,including the Preliminary Structure of a Convention on Chemical Weapons
Reprinted from The Toronto Star, Nov. 1:
Olivia Ward, “Nerve Gas Production Avaits Reagan’s Order” — The story of Pine Bluff, Arkansas, where the Death Gas manufacture is eagerly awaited.
Yves Belanger and Pierre Fournier of the Groupe de recherche sur l’industrie militaire et la reconversion have published a working paper on the Canadian military economy: L’industrie militaire canadienne et la problematique économique gouvernementale (note de recherche no. 35, Dept. de science politique, UQAM), The paper can be obtained for $2 from Prof. Belanger, Dept. de science politique, UQAM, C.P. 8888, Succ. A, Montreal, P.Q. H3C 3P8 Canada.
The Name of the Chamber Was Peace is title of a soon-to-be published book as well as the famous chapter in Pilgrim’s Progress. The book, edited by Janis Alton, Eric Fawcett and E. Terrell Gardner, is a collection of twelve essays based on lectures in Toronto Chapter’s 1986 Public Lecture series. The essays are concerned with the psychological, political, scientific, religious, historical and commercial aspects of the peace race.
A pre-release sale (date of publication is 1988) makes the book available to SfP members for $12 ($2 handling fee included) from SfP Public Lectures, University College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. MSS 1A1.