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Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

The complete text of the television address of Mikhail Gorbachev, Aug. 18, explaining the reasons for the extension of the Soviet Union’s unilateral test ban to January 1 is available from the Press Office of the USSR Embassy, 400 Stewart St., Apt. 1108, Ottawa K1N 6L2. If you wish, the BULLETIN will duplicate it for you. From the text:

“The Soviet Union has sufficient reasons for resuming its nuclear testing, and yet we are convinced that the ending of nuclear testing not only by the Soviet Union but also by the United States would be a real break — through to arresting the nuclear arms race, would speed up the elimination of nuclear arms.”

Simon Dalby, guest editor, Issues In Education And Culture: On Teaching Peace. Order from the Institute for Humanities, c/o S. Duguid, Continuing Studies, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6; $2, payable to Simon Fraser University.

“This issue speaks to two aspects of the nuclear cold war. On the one hand we focus on the ways of thinking and acting about the nuclear tensions which might undercut the cynical forms of reason which perpetuate the militarization of our lives. On the other hand, we show the effects of this cold war in order to unfreeze the hermetic memory hole into which this century of war has been lodged.”

William Epstein. A complete bibliography of books and articles a number available from SfP.

Recommended Reading:

G. Kh. Shakhnazarov, The Logic of Political Thinking in the Nuclear Age. From Soviet Studies in Philosophy, A Journal of Translations. Summer 1986, Vol. XXV, No 1. M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 80 Business Park Drive, Armonk, NY 10504. If the Journal is not in your library,we can make an offprint for you.

Carl Sagan, USA and USSR: Let’s Go to Mars — Together. Free from Council for a Livable World Education Fund, Twenty Park Plaza, Boston,Mass. 02116. For more than 25 copies, 25 each plus postage and handling.

Lewis H. Lapham, editor, Harper’s Magazine,“Nuclear Warriors Are Living in a Dream”, offprinted from The Globe and Mail, 11 Aug. 1986, by the SfP BULLETIN.

Walter Dorn has completed his CIIPS-sponsored project to prepare a Directory Of Canadian Scientific Expertise: Peace And Security Aspects. Copies can be made by the national office.

Brydon Gombay, An Overview Of The Past And Present Status Of The Non-Proliferation Treaty, Comprehensive Test Ban And Freeze Movement. Includes the SfP position paper.

Two of Gregory Baum’s books are listed in a catalogue of “Thought — Provoking Books” from James Lorimer & Co., Publishers, 35 Britain St., Toronto. ETHICS AND ECONOMICS, with Duncan Cameron, and CATHOLICS AND CANADIAN SOCIALISM

New SfP brochures are now available.

Derek Paul, “To Stop Or Not To Stop the Nuclear Arms Race”- Comments on a comprehensive nuclear test ban.

Myriam Fernandez responds to William J. Broad’s article in the NY Times of May 27: “Ultimate Survival”.

Simon Dalby, “The Technological-Fix Syndrome and the Arms Race”, a paper presented at the J.S.Woodsworth Institute on Peace and War at Simon Fraser University, July 15.

Ross Smyth, “Challenging the Legality of Nuclear Weapons and Strengthening International Law”, summary of address to World Federalists, Montreal, June 25.

Derek Paul, 30 April CBC Commentary on Chernobyl:

“Sweden has shown that a monitoring system of sufficient sensitivity can provide a timely warning of danger to the public. Despite the monitoring which is already done by provincial health authorities, Canada does not possess a continuously operated nation-wide system, and has no monitors of sensitivity comparable to the Swedish ones. Perhaps it is time now for a Canadian pilot project. After all, the 3-mile Island accident was not so far from our borders. The next one, wherever it is,might be as serious as the accident in unlucky Chernobyl.

Eric Fawcett will act as coordinator of activities in Canada for Scientists’ International Peace Week 10-16 November. The idea of a world-wide outreach effort on the part of concerned scientists has been brewing for almost a year and has already garnered supporters from some 19 countries, both East and West Block and non-aligned. For more information, contact Eric Fawcett, Dept. of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto M5S 1A1.

Alan Weatherley, Univ. of Toronto, has taken on the job of being information and press coordinator of the national executive.

Available: A report of the Canadian participants Eric Fawcett, Arthur Forer and Derek Paul, in the International Forum of Scientists to Stop Nuclear Tests, a meeting held in Moscow 1-13 July, hosted by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

In recognition of his many contributions to many disciplines, past-president of SfP Anatol Rapoport was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Law, honoris causa, at the spring convocation of the University of Toronto June 9. A copy of his acceptance address “The Two Cultures” is available at the national office.

At the 9th annual scientific meeting of the Inel Society of Political Psychology in Amsterdam on June 29, Anatol Rapoport received the Harold D. Lasswell Award for Distinguished Scientific Contribution to Political Psychology. A paper delivered at this meeting, “The Subjective Aspects of Risk” is also available from the national office.

A Festschrift for his 75th birthday, Paradoxical Effects of Social Behavior, Essays in Honor of Anatol Rapoport, was presented in Munich by co-editor Andreas Dieckmann in July. This book (in English) can be ordered through the BULLETIN. A lecture delivered in Munich at the Ludwig — Maximilians Universitat, “Experimental Studies in Social Traps”, is available only in German from the national office. An English version is in preparation.

Christian Bay chaired a panel on Perspectives on Left and Right at the annual scientific meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology in Amsterdam this summer. He opened the panel’s discussion with his paper, “On the Contest Between Politics and Pseudopolitics”.

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