Hans Blumenfeld, Does Deterrence Deter War? From the Bulletin.
And from your bookstore: Hans Blumenfeld, Life Begins At 65: The Not Entirely Candid Autobiography Of A Drifter, Harvest House, Ltd, Publishers, Montreal, Canada’ 1987.
E. Fawcett & D. Paul, Conventional and Chemical Disarmament as Confidence- Building Measures Leading to Nuclear Disarmament. Paper prepared for an international forum of scientists gathered in Moscow 14-16 Feb. 1987 to discuss the staged elimination of nuclear weapons.
Barry Childers (Geneva) offers some practical suggestions for carrying on the dialogue with war-mongers: Ask the Tough Questions.The Bulletin will reprint his article for you.
From the UN SMDP Bulletin, January, 1987, the text (in French or English) of the Delhi Declaration on Principles for a Nuclear-Weapons-Free and Non-Violent World.
Gernot Böhme, Report of a meeting on Science, Technology and the Military at MIT in Cambridge, Mass. Early Jan. Dr. B8hme was with the delegation from Germany and this report is in German. From the Bulletin.
Grace Halsell, Prophecy And Politics: Militant Evangelists On The Road To Nuclear War, Lawrence Hill & Co. Westport, Co.. 1986
— William Klassen
This book highlights the problem which arises from bringing the terms “religion” and “peace” together. Grace Halsell has been in and out of the Middle East for a number of years.She has made numerous trips to Israel with Jerry Falwell and interviewed many Christian leaders from the USA. She wonders why Israel has made such a strong alliance with the Moral Majority and concludes that American Jewish leaders are prepared to endure the insults inherent in the
fundamentalist theology for the greater good: the security of Israel.
Most disturbing to Halsell is the fact that thousands of Christian tourists annually come to Israel and never discover there the living churches. It is alarming to read her evidence of the involvement of many Christian fundamentalists in the secular state of Israel and the support they provide for its nuclear capabilities. She portrays the alliance between dispensationalist Christians and Israel as a betrayal of both Christianity and the state of Israel.
This is a courageous book which any one who is concerned about Middle East peace or about religion and peace can read with profit. The book as written holds your interest; the material is well researched. She cites evidence that President Reagan (pp. 40-50) is a follower of the dispensationalist line. It illustrates that a most dangerous threat to world peace today is an unscientific approach to the Bible. Those scholars who are seeking to interpret the Bible responsibly and to look at its values in the light of the threat of nuclear annihilation have a very important task before them. Zeal without knowledge is one of the most destructive forces in human history. To read this book is a sober reminder of that fact and a sombre call for help addressed to informed students of ancient literature.
Write the Department of External Affairs, 125 Promenade Sussex Drive, Ottawa KlA 0G2 for a copy of the department’s Annual Report 1985/86, which covers the period April 1, 1985 to March 31, 1986. Of particular interest is the restatement of the priority objectives of Canadian arms control and disarmament policy as outlined by the prime minister in October, 1985:
negotiated radical reductions in nuclear forces and the enhancement of strategic stability
maintenance and strengthening of the nuclear non-proliferation regime
negotiation of a global chemical weapons ban
support for a comprehensive test ban treaty
prevention of an arms race in outer space
building of confidence sufficient to facilitate the reduction of military forces in Europe and elsewhere.
From Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Norwell MA 02061,U.S.A. or your local bookstore:
Archie Harms and Douglas Wyman, Mathematics And Physics Of Neutron Radiography.
Yu. B. Germeier, Non-Antagonistic Games, translated from the Russian by Anatol Rapoport.
The new (Fall, 1986) Stanley Foundation bibliography of resource material is available on request from the Foundation,’ 420 East Third St. Muscatine, Iowa 52761, U.S.A.
Prospects for Peace, edited by Paris Arnopoulos, Montreal, Gamma Institute Press, 1986. $18.95. 20 essays on the subject of war and peace from the perspective of Canadian futurists.