The meeting was held on Saturday, May 16 at Trinity College Toronto. Kelly Gotlieb gave a talk: “The ethics pot is boiling over”. Discussion followed.
Various reports were submitted and accepted.
Following the submission of the Nominating committee report (Janis Alton), Board members for 1995-1997 were accepted.
Reports were submitted by the following Working Groups: (i) Ethics. This had been covered in Kelly Gotlieb’s talk. (ii) Cuban Scientist (Lee Lorch). A brief discussion of needs and problems took place. (iii) Science fairs. Information from Angelo Mingarelli was distributed. (iv) Ad hoc group on Bill C-62. Terry Gardner reported on the status of the campaign.
Moved by Ian Russell, seconded by Derek Paul that the Executive be authorized to appoint either Ken McFarland or an appropriate alternate auditor for 1995-1996, the final choice to depend upon fees and agreement. Passed.
The Nominating committee for 1995-1996 was selected, consisting of Janis Alton, Chandler Davis, and Metta Spencer.
It was noted that a Research Director and an Education Director will be needed for the coming year.
Votes of thanks to the retiring Treasurer (Derek Paul) and to the retiring Vice-President (Tom Davis) were proposed by Eric Fawcett and Peter Nicholls and accepted by acclamation.
It was proposed we expand the name of Science for Peace in our literature (the official name remaining unchanged). After considerable discussion the wording “toward a just and sustainable world” was accepted by a vote of 12 to five with six abstentions. The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 P.M.