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Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

Vol. 1 No. 1 – May 20, 1981 This Bulletin is intended to keep members and friends of Science for Peace apprised of events and developments. Once the autumn comes, we plan to bring out an issue on the first of each month. Please send notice of events, reports, brief reviews of articles and books, statements of opinion and other items of interest to the editor by the 25th of the month. The first deadline is August 25.

We would like to thank Carol Robb and Doreen Morton of University College for typing this Bulletin.

Editor: Ed Barbeau, University College, University of Toronto, Toronto M5S 1A1.

81.1. Officers and Contacts within Science for PeacePresident:Eric FawcettPhysicsSecretary:Terry GardnerMathematicsTreasurer:Derek PaulPhysicsBulletin Editor:Ed BarbeauMathematicsSeminar Convenors:John ValleauChemistryRose SheinenMedicinePeace-keeping satellite:Tom ClarkAdministrationLynn TrainorPhysics

A page listing the objectives of Science for Peace and the members of the Board of Directors (suitable for distribution to potential members) can be had from the President, Secretary or Editor.

81.2. Canadian Association of Physicists Special Symposium

On June 15, at the Learned Societies meeting in Halifax, a special seminar on peace will be held under the auspices of the Canadian Association of Physicists. For further information: Eric Fawcett (5217).

81.3. Huntsville Workshop

A Science for Peace workshop on projects for peace is scheduled for June 12-14 at Gryffin Lodge near Huntsville. Those interested in joining (at $28 per day for room and 3 meals) should contact Eric Fawcett (5217). Spouses and companions are welcome.

Gryffin Lodge is the home of the Canadian Peace Research Institute, and is available for conferences of no more than 18 people. For further informa-tion and reservations, contact Mrs. Pat Alcock, Gryffin Lodge, Huntsville, Ontario POA IKO.

81.4. Canadian Peace Research and Education

The annual conference of the Canadian Peace Research and Education Association takes place on May 25-27 at the Learned Societies Meeting at Dalhousie University. Professor M.V. Naidu of the Political Science Depart-ment at Brandon University in Manitoba is the organizer.

81.5. International Peace Research Association

The ninth general conference of the international Peace Research Asso-ciation takes place June 21-26 at the Geneva Park Conference Centre near Orillia. There are seven “commissions” including ones on Militarism, disarmament and alternative security, Peace education and Cooperation and Interdependence. Others deal with.resources, food, comnunication and human rights. Information can be had from Eric Fawcett (5217).

81.6. World Federalists of Canada

The World Federalists meet at Brock University, St. Catharines on June 18-21.

81.7. Peace-keeping satellite

A symposium on the peace-keeping satellite is projected for about June 4. Consult John Valleau (3595) for more information.

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