Support Science for Peace
SfP does not seek financial support from corporations or governments; we rely wholly on donors and members to operate. Please donate generously.
Science for Peace, a registered charity (893240861 RR 0001) since 1983, engages in research and education intended to inform the public and governments about peaceful solutions to conflict and injustice. We believe that everyone - the general public, workers, scientists, educators and students - can understand and contribute to a world based on peaceful, sustainable solutions to conflicts. Our work is based on the notion that our fragile planet requires fundamental changes to the way all peoples live and interact, if humans and all life on our planet are to survive.
Use the button below to make a donation, join, and pay or renew your membership. If you wish to become a member (and we hope you will), please fill out the application form below, as well as submitting the membership fee.
You can also make your donation or fees payment by sending an e-transfer to (no password required) or a cheque made out to Science for Peace and sent to:
Science for Peace
15 King’s College Circle
Toronto ON M5S 3H7
Membership Fees:
Regular: $60 (or $5 monthly)
Sustaining: $100 (or $10 monthly), or be generous and contribute more.
Students: $20