Science for Peace
A Peace Education NGO
Based in Toronto
Analysis & Research
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Meetings for Members
Roundtable on Food and Population
Toronto Wants Zero Nuclear Weapons
Message from the President of Science for Peace
In Memoriam: Admiral Robert Falls 1924-2009
An Arctic Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone: Why is now the time?
Editor’s Book Nook
Obama and the NPT
In Memoriam: Eric Tollefson 1921-2009
Open Letter on Climate Change to the Government of Canada
Open Letter on Climate Change
Lettre ouverte
What Prospect for a Decent Future?
Peace and Protest in the UK
Book Nook
Meeting with MP Carolyn Bennett
Our Annual General Meeting
The State of Global Food Production and Recommendations for the Future
Hope for a Nuclear-Free World
Eric Fawcett Memorial Forum
Science for Peace conducts research analysis through its Working Groups.