Science for Peace
A Peace Education NGO
Based in Toronto
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Standing Up for Science for Peace
Munk School of Global Affairs and the Harper Government collaborate on “Direct Diplomacy” in Iran
Ukraine, Russia, the United States and the Threat of Nuclear War
President's Corner: When Saving Others Doesn't Work
Degrowth: A Snail’s Eye View of Social Transformation and Ecological Preservation
Responding to ISIS: The role of Canada and the International Community
Alternatives to Fossil Fuels: Is the Bio-Economy the Answer We've Been Looking For?
Corporate Globalization and Society Destruction: Joining the Dots of War and Peace in Ukraine
Refusing to be Enemies: Palestinian and Israeli Nonviolent Resistance to the Israeli Occupation. By
Excerpt from the preface of "Stochastic Processes" by John W. Lamperti (Springer, 1977)
Gaza 2014: Speakable Atrocities, Speaking Up
A Tribute to Lee Lorch (1915-2014)
Why the UofT Should Divest from Violations of International Law
Science for Peace AGM 2014
Book review: The Wealth of Nature: Economics as if survival mattered (By John Michael Greer)
President's Corner: Making Knowledge Scarce
A Tribute to Major General (Ret'd) Leonard V Johnson
A Report on the Librarians and Archivists to Palestine Delegation, June 23-July 4, 2013
Deep-sixing the Deep Geological Nuclear Waste Repository
Science for Peace conducts research analysis through its Working Groups.